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  1. B

    Microbore: pros and cons

    Yes its good and it is used because it has a smaller bore than the standard 15mm pipe and is used because its a smaller bore.
  2. B

    Puma 100 Flame Problems

    There comes a time when gas engineers will run a mile from old combi,s has you have to understand things need to be renewed, But yea get some folk thinking that they last forever and expect the job done for under £50 get a loan and a new boiler i would not touch a puma
  3. B

    flue flow test

    Your a cowboy doing a job you made a mess of arnt you give me the address and i will come a round free of charge and check out the benchmark, another gyippo making a killing and they will get off with manslaughter. You dont work for BHE do you...........
  4. B

    flue flow test

    Your name gives you away a bit like mine bob big nuts ... but the way to do it is to tape up the 8mm pipe as soot is corrosive and to cover opening well im lost there old bean, and the puff of smoke coming out sounds like he,s not heated up the flue to me, if he did mmmmmmmmmmm sounds like...