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  1. T

    my rads sound like a blow lamp!

    i am not sure what the "other" valve is and what it does.Should this one be fully opened.Could someone explain what it is for please?
  2. T

    6.5" Skirtingboard

    i would recommend buying a compound mitre saw,youcan get them for 30 quid these days.the finish isn't great as the saw never cuts as well as a more expensive model, but you can always carry sandpaper with you!alternativly, you could hire one. Are you brave enough to make your own box?It isn't...
  3. T

    Need to box in gas and electric meters...advice!

    why not build your own cupboard? on site we'd normally just frame with 2x1 batten and create your own cupboard with a door(or a pair) on the front.make the top wider on all exposed edges and knock the edges off with a plane or make a fancy edge with a router or some lipping.18mm MDF would do for...
  4. T

    my rads sound like a blow lamp!

    i had a heatrae sadia electromax boiler(9kw) fitted back in august and 6 new rads.(a whole new system replacing n s h). In the last 2/3 weeks i have noticed a sound comming from the 2 rads closest to the boiler which sounds to me like a blowlamp running...
  5. T

    cutting skirting on the wall

    why not mark the cut with a square, drill to the line with 6mm bit, keeping each hole as close as you can and then remove the rest with a SHARP chisel.If you score across the top of the skirting first, you will not damage the wall finish.