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  1. L

    pebbles on a roll? for a pond
  2. L

    Pond Question

    Get one of these fitted close to the pond, then you can have both
  3. L

    Shower booster pump

    Thanks for your help, I'll take the double socket plate off on the landing, fit a duel box, then put the fcu & single socket on, job sorted. Just to confirm, both the pump & fcu are outside the bathroom. Thanks again for your help
  4. L

    Shower booster pump

    Hi RFL, thanks for quick reply, the FCU will be on the bathroom wall, landing side, so just need to run up the cavity to the shower. The reason I didn't want to connect to the ring is having no discrimination between the 2 RCD's, could cause all upstairs to trip when only he shower at fault.
  5. L

    Shower booster pump

    Hi guys, Just had a shower booster pump fitted, need to connect to power. Can I take a feed off the boiler circuit, fit an RCD fused spur, then connect the shower pump? Don't want to spur off upstairs ring, as that already has a RCD protecting it. Just need to know if this is acceptable, or wif...