
  1. _Theo

    Need manual for Vailant digital timer

    Hi, Is anyone able to send me instructions or a manual on how to set the timer on this boiler? I've looked all over the internet but first and foremost I don't even know what it's called. I think the boiler itself is called an ecomax pro 28 but searching online for that brings up boilers with...
  2. J

    Vaillant ECOmax S24, S28 & S30 - no consistent supply of hot water

    Hi all, Hopefully, you may be able to help. We've got the above-named boiler (it's an 800 series, 824 iirc) and it's behaving a little strangely. The central heating system works well (considering the radiators/pipework have been installed poorly (this is slowly being corrected as and when...
  3. T

    Vaillant Ecomax boiler pressure gradually dropping daily

    Hi guys, I've had problems with my boiler dropping pressure since the last few months. Particularly after having the heating on. It wouldn't go up and over 3, but would go down to 0. So I've been topping it up daily. Alongside my living room radiator that had a leak from a nut on one side -...