paint stripping

  1. J

    Exterior paint removal fail - What next?

    So I had some grand ideas to return my home to its former brick faced glory by removing the exterior pain which has been built up over 120 years. Initial trials with a DOFF system looked very promising but unfortunately it turns out that we just got lucky (or unlucky) with the trial patches and...
  2. R

    Wooden beam remove paint in cracks

    I am trying to remove white paint from wooden beams (sanding and paint stripper) but there are so many cracks in the wood that I just can't get the paint out of. Any ideas? I could use epoxy but I think I would end up filling a large amount of the beam as it is covered in cracks. Could I...
  3. B

    Stripping stair paint with a heatgun? (tricky to remove substance, lead paint?)

    Image of partially stripped step below. I'm very new to DIY so apologies in advance for any silly questions. I am using a heatgun (350c) and ffp3 cheap mask (£5). I plan on painting over once stripped. The step (for example central section back) has very tricky to strip small parts of paint, ...