rsj strength calculation

  1. I

    Steel Quote differences question

    Hi all, Just a quick questiong for the experts out there. We are planning on an extension and remodel of the back and side of our house (Please see plans attached). We have received a few SE quotes where the beams to be used are different in number. 1. The first SE quote has been for 4...
  2. M

    HELP! Been let down by my SE at the eleventh hour...

    Hi all, I have some steel work scheduled for Saturday and the one remaining piece of the jigsaw hasn't arrived from our SE who has gone AWOL! I wonder if anyone here can help so that I can buy material tomorrow and not delay the fabricators. We are removing an exterior wall and fabricating a...
  3. K

    RSJ strength estimates

    A search through the archives turns up numerous questions where people have asked for help sizing RSJs for a building project, and the usual answer seems to be that it isn't possible to answer without making dangerous assumptions and the OP needs to consult a qualified structural engineer. And...