sink basin

  1. Jbcory74

    Help me get a sink vanity installed

    Hi all, I’d like to get a vanity cupboard installed under my current sink - if not possible would like to get a new sink with a vanity unit attached… Is this possible with the current set up whereby there’s boxing in work covering the pipe work from I believe the bath and also the sink itself...
  2. T

    Sink not flat on top

    I've just received a wall mounted sink, and the top is pretty wavy (about 10mm deviation across the top). That last sink I got a few years ago was also not at all flat on top, and was a nightmare to tile. I'm wondering how common is this? I'm not sure if I should send it back.
  3. C

    Sink popper won't work when stopper is on?

    Hi all, My sink popper will happily go up and down all day long with the cover bit taken off of it - however when the cover top is put on it goes down and stays down (needs to be pryed up) Images below if someone is able to diagnose this and let me know how to fix or suggest the name of the...