Advert featuring cake banned?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Surely there has to be more to this story. If not, if the ad was literally banned because it features cake, I find this almost unbelievable. I wonder if future ads featuring cars will be banned due to their impact on the environment? It might seem like a trivial thing but I feel uneasy when reading articles about certain ads being banned.

Must be this policy ...

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Surely there has to be more to this story. If not, if the ad was literally banned because it features cake, I find this almost unbelievable. I wonder if future ads featuring cars will be banned due to their impact on the environment? It might seem like a trivial thing but I feel uneasy when reading articles about certain ads being banned.

Best stop reading the Wail.

It is notorious for false and misleading content.


...just say no.
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TfL seem to be spending a lot of effort doing things that have nothing to do with transport for London.

I recently tried to rewatch the brilliant "The Day Today", although I found it lost some of its humour - too many of the incredibly silly stories had become true!
It has dated in some ways and remained relevant in others...the chap who co-wrote Brass Eye has recently been jailed for corporate espionage, believe it or not. He tried a reverse sting by offering to spy on his own agency for the firm who he was meant to be spying for. The offer was turned down and he was fired! You couldn't make it up.