Lawless Britain...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Check out the behaviour on the video Here

Plod doing a bit of 'night time training' again?

Senior prosecutors said the decision not to bring Pc Johnston to court was within new parliament guidelines....

After being suspended, then put onto restricted duties, Pc Johnston is now back on the beat....

Nice to know another thug is back out on the street without punishment - unfortunately this one also has a uniform.... :evil:
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I can understand that The Fiscal didn't decide to prosecute albeit I think the decision was totally flawed and he should have stood trial.

However, what I CANNOT understand is why his own force didn't put him on a discipline board and kick him out for, at the very least, bringing the force into disrepute.

There was plenty evidence and the disciplinary level of proof is 'the balance of probabilities 'and not 'beyond a reasonable doubt' [not that there appears to be any reasonable doubt in this case!!]

It's p**s poor decisions such as these which get the police a bad name [or a worse name if you like]
However, what I CANNOT understand is why his own force didn't put him on a discipline board and kick him out for, at the very least, bringing the force into disrepute.

The police are above the law. They do what they want when they want.

We had a local officer who respected the kids, teenagers and their parents. Inturn every one had respect for the officer.
He was not a pushover and would professionally deal with certain unappropriate behavior.
Unfortunately he was taken off the streets and given a desk job.
Since he left our area his replacements have been an absolute nightmare. :cry:

1st idiot they sent had been demoted from 2 other areas. :confused:
To call him bent was an understatement. This from other officers that had asked for transfer from local station.

2nd bully was a 5'2" sargent and his side kick a shorter PSCO both hiding behind an uniform. It is rumored that they suffer from SPS (small person syndrome) and were bullied in school. :cool:
They have lost the respect from majority of law abiding people, and more disturbing the total lack of respect for the younger generation.

The above sargent is well know in the area for using his pepper spray on anyone ,including genuine ill people hospitalized under mental health act.

They are experts at fabricating evidence and on more than one occasion its been proven in court, but the are still out on the street causing havoc. :cry:

Its totaly outrageous how police forces have stopped so low, then again it keeps their initial arrest rates high.

I no longer have any respect towards the police and the police state have no respect for the public.

As for complaining about these so called police officers, its not worth the effort because it falls on deaf ears.
This has been confirmed by reputable solicitor.
NYC under the Diniings mayorship allowed fellows who plea bargained to a lesser charge then the felony arrest were allowed to become NYC police.

Now we know how to spot a criminal when he was mayor all one had to do was look for a bum in uniform and the crooks and murders were police.

Look at New Orleans "officers of the law" looting

Mayor in Washington on crack RE ELECTED yippee

Want to stop crime MAKE them politicians and police and look at how the police go on a shooting rampage this way they cannot be arrested and thus the crime statics are lower EASY solution.

Just like prisons

The insane asylum is run by the inmates.

Want to bet the bully coppers would be a little more respectful if they think a citizen may be armed
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