Nose Surgery

22 Dec 2021
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United Kingdom
Mrs Lard is having major nasal surgery tommorrow, which isn't bad saying she only went to the Doc's 4wks ago. GP to clinic to consultant to operation in less than 28days, so it CAN be done.

Thing is, surgeon has promised her the mother of all black eyes & considering she'll be R&R'ing for a few weeks she'll no doubt wish to accompany me to t'pub.

We're taking bets on how long it will take for someone to gently take her oneside to enquire & commiserate & God bless her she's agreed to play along with my game of "I got a bit lippy" :) :) :)
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Is that NHS?
I got some quick NHS service recently.
But then I got another referral for exactly the same thing.
No2 said "why didn't you say?".
"Cos the last bloke did nowt. I thought he'd passed me on. Are you going to do anything?"

They both wasted what seemed like ages taking a history, which should be on the system...??
Left hands and right hands....
Reminds me of a joke I once heard Sean Connery tell. What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she’s been told twice already. :oops:
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Mrs Lard is having major nasal surgery tommorrow, which isn't bad saying she only went to the Doc's 4wks ago. GP to clinic to consultant to operation in less than 28days, so it CAN be done.
On the NHS?
Reminds me of a joke I once heard Sean Connery tell. What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, she’s been told twice already. :oops:
Maybe you might call that a 'joke' but most wouldn't!

What does the partner of mottie/motman have to say about that 'joke'?
Maybe you might call that a 'joke' but most wouldn't!

What does the partner of mottie/motman have to say about that 'joke'?
I don't have a partner, I have a wife. For your information, she says "Not that old joke again" and rolls her eyes. Anyway, talking of 'jokes' I see you’ve tried to tell a few over the years without much success. Shame.


Now go and find a mirror, stand in front of it and read this quote of yours back to yourself.

Is that NHS?
I got some quick NHS service recently.
But then I got another referral for exactly the same thing.
No2 said "why didn't you say?".
"Cos the last bloke did nowt. I thought he'd passed me on. Are you going to do anything?"

They both wasted what seemed like ages taking a history, which should be on the system...??
Left hands and right hands....

I know all about those left and right hands
I wish her well

I hope it all goes well and she's not in too much pain.
Maybe you might call that a 'joke' but most wouldn't!

What does the partner of mottie/motman have to say about that 'joke'?
He's got you bang to rights on this one . . . . Because you are a hypocrite.

No one I know takes domestic violence lightly, but then it is usually so well hidden that we often don't know who we think we know.
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