Short trousers in winter

29 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom
I have noticed some plumbers and postmen wear short trousers in the middle of the winter. I am curious of the reasoning. In the case of the postmen, they walk a lot and might get warm. What about the plumbers? They can wear shorts because they expect to be inside heated homes?
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Isn't the postman thing a kind of who can last the longest into the winter still wearing their shorts weird postman bravado thing? Or is that an urban myth?
I live in a rural area, I asked the postie why he wore shorts , his answer was that the bottom of his long trousers got wet in the rain and from ice of the grass verges within an hour of him delivering the post so ended up spending the day with wet feet. and as he delivered post by van the heater kept his legs warm between deliveries .
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Numpties all of them.
Not necessarily. Some people have high core temperatures. I am like that, and overheat from minor exertions. Still, it would be quite a system shock to go out in the cold while not yet warmed up.
Like people that graft in garden with the summer heatwave or wear hardly anything in freezing weather they have problems with regulating body temperature.
May have health problems or just the way they are not feeling the heat or cold as they should, but it will catch up with them eventually. I've known it happen many times especially with the summer heat.
Most golfers on the course near us play in their shorts, with jumpers on. Legs have got to be one of the most resilient areas of our bodies! Provided the shorts don't allow for an unwanted draughts...
Most golfers on the course near us play in their shorts, with jumpers on. Legs have got to be one of the most resilient areas of our bodies! Provided the shorts don't allow for an unwanted draughts...
Golf season around this time of year? I am not into golf and don't know.

I wear T shirt all year round, don’t even possess a jumper/ jersey.
I do double long johns currently. They are ineffective because there is no air gap between layers. I have to go down to t-shirts if I do some minor physical work.
Golf season around this time of year? I am not into golf and don't know.

Yup, absolutely loads of them. Was out for a short walk on Saturday and it was one degree above freezing. A footpath we use crosses the course and they were all out in force!

Most of them are absolutely fine and wait patiently for you to clear their path.
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