the budget

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Like it's the Tories fault.
Labour left the country without a pot to p**s in and now have the temerity to say their solution is the way forward - borrow and spend.
They couldn't run a bath.

I whole heartedly agree, but that doesn't make the coalition policies correct.
When you're potless, you tend to have very limited options.

So, What should have been done in the Budget then?
What would really make an instant improvement in our circumstances?
How about stopping the handouts to people who haven't put anything in to the system? i;e; all the immigrants. In Australia you have to be able to support yourself for three years to get in.
All this talk about creating jobs in the budjet yet their about to allow vauxhall to close its most productive plant in europe in ellesmere port because otherwise it would have to close its less effiecent german plant and why? because the german goverment heavily subserdise the workers wage in order to keep skills in their country plus they make it very difficult for a firm to just up sticks without severe fines so they choose the soft and i mean soft option ggggreat (not) britain when are we all going to wake up :evil:
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It's the same with corporations...lower company tax, and at some point they might cough up a bit. And when it gets real low, then they'll claim that they are paying everything they should!

There is a school of though though that corporations don't pay tax.

Any tax paid by a corporation is just passed on by lower wages, and higher product costs and to shareholders (in that order).

Remember corporations are an entity, not a person, they don't get to vote.

We want more money to stay in the company and in workers pockets, you want to wack the tax on the shareholders and directors when they take money out of the company.

Meanwhile, the most vulnerable get f*cked over yet again, and we still have our privatised health service to look forward to...

Most countries have a private/public care system, most with government helping to pay for insurance and private hospitals, like France, Norway etc.

World Health Organization Ranking

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom

So you are utterly correct when you say we should be looking forward to privatised healthcare.

Then because we have such p**s poor employment laws

What planet are you on?

We have very very restrictive employment laws, it's insanly difficult to fire/un-hire workers, which is one of the reasons we have such high youth unemployment.

Like it's the Tories fault.
Labour left the country without a pot to p**s in and now have the temerity to say their solution is the way forward - borrow and spend.
They couldn't run a bath.

I whole heartedly agree, but that doesn't make the coalition policies correct.

The coalition are doing just what labour would have done, with a few marginal differences.

Vote UKIP. ;)
Most countries have a private/public care system, most with government helping to pay for insurance and private hospitals, like France, Norway etc.

World Health Organization Ranking

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom

So you are utterly correct when you say we should be looking forward to privatised healthcare.
Sadly the individual in some of those countries still has to put their hand in their pocket for something as mundane as seeing a GP, even with large 'subsidies'...

Funily enough though, as we are to adapt the american system I wonder where they rank in that list?

Oh yes, number 37 - despite spending more of it's GDP on 'healthcare' than any other country...(they are also at 55 for fairness)

It also has the highest percentage of it's population without health cover in the western world...could this be anything to do with the fact that it has the highest percentage of people in poverty in the west?...

Mind you, since you are fond of that report here are a couple of things it says about public/private systems...

In many countries, some if not most physicians work simultaneously for the public sector and in private practice. This means the public sector ends up subsidizing unofficial private practice.

Many governments fail to prevent a "black market" in health, where widespread corruption, bribery, "moonlighting" and other illegal practices flourish. The black markets, which themselves are caused by malfunctioning health systems, and low income of health workers, further undermine those systems.

Many health ministries fail to enforce regulations that they themselves have created or are supposed to implement in the public interest.

So if of course you are well enough off to be able to pay, you will indeed get better care...if not, then it's a race back to the third world...

And I actually include america in that destination ;)

There is a school of though though that corporations don't pay tax.

Yes it kind of goes like this...

HMCR: Dear CEO of Vodaphone. Can we have the £6bn you owe us, pretty please?
CEO: F*ck off!
HMRC: OK, we'll do a deal for £1.1bn, and then you can forever more 'offshore' your business.


HMRC: Dear Mr Green, can you tell me why you paid your wife over £1bn from your/her company, with no tax?
Mr Green: F*ck off, or I'll F*ck off!
HMRC: OK, forget we ever said anything.


HMRC: Dear CEO of Boots. Could you tell me why your company is registered at a PO Box in Switzerland?
CEO: F*ck off, it's none of your business!
HMRC: Sorry, I won't trouble you again.

So that sums up how our economy is run/ruined, and how our health system will be going the same way. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a Tory/Lib/Lab or just plain stupid...

Sadly the individual in some of those countries still has to put their hand in their pocket for something as mundane as seeing a GP, even with large 'subsidies'...

They can often claim back for that fee if they are under a certain wage.

Funily enough though, as we are to adapt the american system

Says who?

The reforms are based upon the French system, where do they rank ?, Oh no1.

The current Tory government is making a ****up of everything they touch, but the original reforms were based upon Nordic and French models, you know, those ones that rank all above us.

But to many people are idealogical about the NHS and think privatisation in any form = American system.

There is a school of though though that corporations don't pay tax.

Yes it kind of goes like this...

HMCR: Dear CEO of Vodaphone. Can we have the £6bn you owe us, pretty please?
CEO: F*ck off!
HMRC: OK, we'll do a deal for £1.1bn, and then you can forever more 'offshore' your business.


HMRC: Dear Mr Green, can you tell me why you paid your wife over £1bn from your/her company, with no tax?
Mr Green: F*ck off, or I'll F*ck off!
HMRC: OK, forget we ever said anything.


HMRC: Dear CEO of Boots. Could you tell me why your company is registered at a PO Box in Switzerland?
CEO: F*ck off, it's none of your business!
HMRC: Sorry, I won't trouble you again.

So that sums up how our economy is run/ruined, and how our health system will be going the same way. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a Tory/Lib/Lab or just plain stupid...

What a silly response.


Your second example is not tax avoidance but evasion (illegal), your third example is exactly why high corporation tax just pushes business to go elsewhere. Remember when they move their head office, they also move a number of workers (who pay tax) and the domicile status of shareholders (who pay tax), so you end up losing THREE tax revenue streams.

When corporations do pay tax, they simply recoup that money through higher product prices, lower wages, and less money paid to the shareholders (and the shareholders always make sure others pay first).
Then because we have such p**s poor employment laws

What planet are you on?

We have very very restrictive employment laws, it's insanly difficult to fire/un-hire workers, which is one of the reasons we have such high youth unemployment.
well presumably a planet with more reality and less rosey tinted glasses :rolleyes:
Vote UKIP. :

even the tories wouldn't take that lot in

How about stopping the handouts to people who haven't put anything in to the system? i;e; all the immigrants. In Australia you have to be able to support yourself for three years to get in

Never takes long before the old RACISM starts

what about all the millions of lazy indigenous ENGLISH CHAVS who spend their life on the dole smoking and boozing and having loads of feral kids all paid for by those who work?

Lots of immigrants take low paid jobs this overwheming number of skivers would never dream of doing
Here we go the racism card again.

What is wrong with the principle
you have to be able to support yourself for three years to get in

Well what about the English Chavs who havent supported themselves for a LIFETIME?

shoudnt we send them off?

just balancing the argument fella
Ah, quoting from Forbes now are we?...

Do you know what their motto is?....."The capitalist tool"... :LOL:

Does that mean those who quote from it can be simply referred to as 'tools'?... ;)

Your second example is not tax avoidance but evasion (illegal), your third example is exactly why high corporation tax just pushes business to go elsewhere. Remember when they move their head office, they also move a number of workers (who pay tax) and the domicile status of shareholders (who pay tax), so you end up losing THREE tax revenue streams.

When corporations do pay tax, they simply recoup that money through higher product prices, lower wages, and less money paid to the shareholders (and the shareholders always make sure others pay first).

a. thanks for confirming what's wrong with the system, and

b. didn't you just say they didn't pay anything anyway?... :rolleyes:

Says who?
The majority of health professionals...
Well what about the English Chavs who havent supported themselves for a LIFETIME?

shoudnt we send them off?

just balancing the argument

Send the indigenous where exactly?

Do agree though, something has to be done - the ones in euro court saying being made to work for benefits is against human rights.
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