Free Credit Score services

I had a great one the other week. You'll have to take my word for part of it accepted. I had a mint card many years ago. Now I'm sure I got a closing balance statement and paid it off closing the account...... but apparently there was a couple of pence left on th3 balance... over 10 years... yep 10 years, this built up to over the £5 min payment. In those years I'd moved house been divorced etc, but fortunately the mail from my old house got to me and is now all resolved...
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Not even excellent! Own my own home outright - been in it since 1990, paid it off 10 years ago, own our commercial property outright, never had a CCJ, no loans, pay off any credit card bills as soon as they arrive. Total ballcocks!

I heard using these online credit checks is recorded. If you check too often, it lowers your rating.

And yes, if you dont have any credit, like credit cards, loans etc, you will get a real low score
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So cancel any cards I don’t use? I have 2 that I don’t use.

Bizarrely canceling cards can can go against you especially if it's recorded wrongly on your file.

I had over 10 and didn't seem to affect it.
Sensibly using credit allows one to build a business far quicker than organic growth . Risk yes, rewards potentially much greater, not a single large business has ever got there organically.
If you have a few cards, start by setting up a Direct Debit to take the minimum so you never do into default*

Each month, put one into your wallet, and put the others in a safe place.

This will mean that all your cards are occasionally used, never delinquent, and are available if you need them, for example going on holiday or the car needs a repair.

*You can make a manual payment to clear the balance and avoid interest; but if you set up a DD to do that, the one time you have a big expense and put it on the card, it will automatically suck all the money out of your bank, negating the advantage of having the card available.
Good advice from JohnD. I must say I've never looked at my credit rating, its not something I'd be bothered about unless I was getting declined on credit cards etc. I only have a few for convenience. The items mentioned would impact a score. Bouncing direct debits for example.

There are a few good deals around, giving you things like access to airport lounges etc, spot rate on foreign currency spending, travel and breakdown insurance etc. not much use if you don't need it.

I reckon I'm on the banking suckers list as, its never simply a case of queuing up and transacting, I always get told I need to see the personal advisor or whatever they are called.

At the end of the day income is going to be a the big driver, but making sure you service your facilities efficiently will help.
as an aside
not buying expensive items on the cards deprives you off the protection the cards can give in case off dispute or failure with item not turning up
Yes I’m on the voters register. We all moved in in April this year but bought the house in February 2016.

The only financial occurrences I have had have been when I cancelled a direct debit after Rochdale Council charged me 150% council tax when they shouldn’t have, they sent a summons but eventually admitted they were wrong.

The other was my mobile phone direct debit was cancelled (I have no idea why) so I had to pay by card and reinstate the DD.

Would they knock my score down?

Ccjs or court summons don't affect credit score last I checked. That wouldn't have been a real summons anyway if it came from the council, they just print their own fake ones.

Mobile phone DD may have caused a bit of an issue.
Other way around Hawk - CCJs affect credit for up to six years, Liability orders don't.
Just did mine - let the spam commence. I immediately clicked close my free account after.



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^^^. Lend us a tenner!!!


Daughters was 989 and girlfriends 997.
I think a phone charger - is your immediate priority, not borrowing a tenner :)

Sounds like your GF needs to take charge and give you pocket money :D
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