NEWSFLASH -sue grays report!!

Sue Gray has no authority to determine if Johnson broke the ministerial code
To parody words spoken at a parish council meeting held a few miles from our house,

"You have no authority here, Sue Grey!"
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Sue Gray has no authority to determine if Johnson broke the ministerial code
To parody words spoken at a parish council meeting held a few miles from our house,

"You have no authority here, Sue Grey!"
Oh look somebody still lacking any ability to think outside his own sheltered self reasoning. Had you on ignore ever since you turned from a civil human to a waste of oxygen. Checked under the rock and there you are still doing the same.

I have no allegiance to Boris at all. You also have no real idea here what the crux of the issue here is. It goes way beyond Boris i can tell you that. So many of you complained the masses were manipulated with Brexit, yet here you are clucking away in a frenzy over what?

Lets have an actual assessment of his performance and if deemed negligent the appropriate action taken beyond just removal, we need to instantiate accountability here in such a position.

What we don't need is a press instigated bun fight over what, making us look like tits amongst a global audience. The only winners here are the press and associated leaches.

“I’ve no allegiance to Boris” says Festive….whilst desperately making excuses for him.

Festive the Boris apologist and supporter of liars and cheats.
To parody words spoken at a parish council meeting held a few miles from our house,

"You have no authority here, Sue Grey!"

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“I’ve no allegiance to Boris” says Festive….whilst desperately making excuses for him.

Festive the Boris apologist and supporter of liars and cheats.
As before you are nothing but a chanting fool casting aspersions with no foundation. You've actually found a new low Notch are you ok or just takin the p.. im serious here. You sound like you're having a breakdown or just senile. /whack
We need a **** lying lawbreaker of a leader because war is coming | The Daily Mash

THE United Kingdom could soon be at war. And in wartime we need a strong, lying, blame-everyone-else leader with no moral backbone who cares only for himself.

Now is not the time to unseat a prime minister just because he lied to the House, lied to the public and takes bribes for wallpaper. Now is the time to stand by him.

Tensions are rising in the Ukraine. Conflict with Russia seems inevitable. Can our country afford to be embroiled in a Conservative leadership campaign while the Red Army marches? To be weighing up the benefits of Truss vs Raab as the missiles fly?

Of course not. That would be to give succor to our enemies. The very last thing Putin wants is to face a powerful, resolute leader, tempered in the fire of getting away scot-free with criminal activity, despised by the people he is supposed to represent.

Up against a prime minister who has once again got away with it, who has once again established that his actions have no consequences for himself, who is prepared to take any risk with British lives to be popular again? Putin would be terrified.

You cannot replace a leader on the eve of war. Churchill, who leading Buddhists believe has been reincarnated as Boris Johnson, knew that better than anyone.

So whatever the outcome of Sue Gray’s report, Boris must remain in office, hated and distrusted by his MPs and voters, for the role of wartime leader he is congenitally unfit for and will soon be bored with. We have no other choice.

As before you are nothing but a chanting fool casting aspersions with no foundation. You've actually found a new low Notch are you ok or just takin the p.. im serious here. You sound like you're having a breakdown or just senile. /whack

“Boris is my greatest hero” says Festive
Brilliant news that Cressida Dick is investigating Boris. She's no Sherlock Holmes.(y)
She is controlled by Johnson

It will be another example of Johnson running roughshod over democracy.

Nah, it will be another example of a world leader not being deposed for having a glass of wine and a slice of birthday cake.
Nah, it will be another example of a world leader not being deposed for having a glass of wine and a slice of birthday cake.

you support narcissistic liars like Trump and Johnson.

what does that say about you
So whatever the outcome of Sue Gray’s report, Boris must remain in office, hated and distrusted by his MPs and voters, for the role of wartime leader he is congenitally unfit for and will soon be bored with. We have no other choice.

:eek: I wonder if he has access to the buttons to send USA stuff on it's way?
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