Licensing of dog ownership - Lets start at £500 per year

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
I think it's about time dog ownership was licensed as it seems having a dog these days is a license to s hit anywhere, sick and tired of having to go on walks with kids and dodge the dog turds.

Start off at £500 - will be a nice income earner for the Government. What's not to like?
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I knew you were soft in the head but £500? Where are going to train the dog wardens and who`s paying for them all.
I thought you had to have a dog licence ? Or supposed to have one ?

Afaik it’s to become a legal
Requirement to have yer cat chipped ?? Good idea imo

Always had my cats chipped ?
They would raise more money by a sensible charge such as £20 a year. Set it at £500, even as a one-off fee for the life of the dog, and many people will simply dump their dog in another town to prevent it coming back home. You then have the problem of roaming strays everywhere which would need rounding up, impounding and probably being euthanised.
I ALWAYS bag and bin my dog's turds. It annoys me when others bag but don’t bin their dogs turds and chose to leave them on the path or hang it on a tree. :mad:

Well you are one of the good guys, unfortunately too many people are not good dog owners. Dogs need care.
It will never happen.

SHould those that pay for their cars also pay the fines of those that break the speed limit even when they did not?
Same applies to dog owners, those that get caught leaving dog poop on the highway can get fined.
Those that pick it up do not.

How about you campaign in your local area for hidden cameras to catch those bad owners. a bit like the cameras that catch those speeding or going through red lights.
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