Aircraft carriers

But they couldn't even stop the Scud missile? 1950s technology and they were hopeless against it.
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Jeez, i just popped in thinking this thread was about Aircraft carriers... silly me!!!! :oops:
I'm gone with my Ark Royal memories...
I know it is but a glancing blow from a Gattling gun wouldn't harm a tonne of depleted uranium would it? See what I mean - they are defenceless.

wtf are you on about? First of all there is nothing wrong with the Gatling design, if you can come up with a better idea I'm sure the designer would love to hear it. You be hard pressed to beat it though, there aren't many ways you can fire off the many rounds in such a short time without overheating, given that the bullet are in fact high velocity long distance shells.

Since when were you an expert on ballistics, and dynamics? Cannonball is pretty stupid idea long distance. It is not worth the effort.

Are you trying to make out that an explosive round can't damage DU? The stuff is machinable. Just because it is armour piercing doesn't mean you can't destroy it. Heck molten copper is one of the most effective way of breaching the armour of a vehicle, and we all know how malleable copper is.
The point I'm making is that if you had a Scud missile, took the warhead off and replaced it with a one tonne solid piece of DU or Iron. Shot it high above the Earth's atmosphere, upon re-entry it would be travelling at near 3000 per hour.

Now if that lump of metal was bearing down on an aircraft carrier - how would you stop it? Come on clever clogs - what would you do?
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The point I'm making is that if you had a Scud missile, took the warhead off and replaced it with a one tonne solid piece of DU or Iron. Shot it high above the Earth's atmosphere, upon re-entry it would be travelling at near 3000 per hour.

Now if that lump of metal was bearing down on an aircraft carrier - how would you stop it? Come on clever clogs - what would you do?

I think you have been watching to many superman movies
I think you are unable to answer the question. This is 1950's technology - yet it's got you beat. :LOL:
Err you use goal keeper type defences for close in application not for sub orbital missiles defence. Obviously it would be taken out with anti-ballistic systems.
I think you are unable to answer the question. This is 1950's technology - yet it's got you beat. :LOL:

So how are you going to launch this lump of metal out of our atmosphere then guide it back through the atmosphere onto your target ? :rolleyes:

you been watching james bond movies again ?
Iraq managed hit Israel with something similar. What a short memory you have.
Iraq managed hit Israel with something similar. What a short memory you have.

Scud missiles do not leave the earths atmosphere, israel is a country which is considerably larger than a aircraft carrier,a aircraft carrier can also move unlike a country :rolleyes: .90 % of scud missiles fell to pieces way before they reached their targets .
So what you are really saying is that aircraft carriers are really for use against tinpot 3rd world regimes. Against a modern country such as China, Japan, France etc - they would be useless. Did you know how close we came to losing the Argentine Conflict? A few more Exocets and it would have been all over.

If the likes of China attacked a carrier it wouldn't have a chance. Probably the same with Iran these days too.
So what you are really saying is that aircraft carriers are really for use against tinpot 3rd world regimes. Against a modern country such as China, Japan, France etc - they would be useless. Did you know how close we came to losing the Argentine Conflict? A few more Exocets and it would have been all over.

If the likes of China attacked a carrier it wouldn't have a chance. Probably the same with Iran these days too.

I now think you are being disrespectful to the servicemen who lost their lives in the FALKLANDS conflict.How do you know who would have won ?

Japan, china and france all use aircraft carriers.
There was a programme on TV not long ago - we very, very nearly lost. Aircraft carriers are only of use against a very weak regime.
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