cranberry juice... urghhh!!

16 Feb 2007
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West Midlands
United Kingdom
I've been advised to drink cranberry juice to help with a waterwork problem I'm having..
this stuff tastes nasty, why would anyone drink it..? it's bitter and drys my mouth out... not at all a good combinations for a drink..
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If your waterworks problem is anything to do with kidney stones (which can graze the inside of your "jimmy" on the way out and thus create infections, lemon juice and water is another way of dealing with uric acid build-ups
Coincidentally............ The blood in my urine on a daily/nightly basis, looks very much like cranberry juice.
Frightening to see TBH..... :eek: :eek:

I think newgas' prediction of my eternal damnation may well be sooner than he thought. :LOL:
If your waterworks problem is anything to do with kidney stones (which can graze the inside of your "jimmy" on the way out and thus create infections, lemon juice and water is another way of dealing with uric acid build-ups

My ex father in law had kidney stones. His doc prescribes some medication that broke them up over a period of time. The only way to get rid of them was to pass them when having a pee. I have never seen a grown man cry so much with the pain.
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My ex father in law had kidney stones. His doc prescribes some medication that broke them up over a period of time. The only way to get rid of them was to pass them when having a pee. I have never seen a grown man cry so much with the pain.
I had them a couple of weeks ago - sheer agony. Like the op, I have a stinging sensation as I urinate now, due to a related infection. For the benefit of other posters on here, I am not overweight and am in full time employment.
Get off your a**e, lose some weight and get a job - then you won't have any health problems.

Worked most of my adult life, with 2 short periods on the dole, last one over 25 years ago.
5 Years ago my ankles started to swell, long story cut very short, i'd contracted an infection from my work which affected my kidneys and caused me to retain fluid. I swelled up like the michellin Man, from 10½ stone to 13½ in a matter of months. I used to cycle or walk at least 4 miles a day, do a full 8 hours or more manual job and then come home and do DIY or help look after my 2 new g/kids.
Being skinny, working and doing exercise does not guarantee you won't have health problems.

Oh and for coljack, I was advised to drink cranberry juice as well, not very nice to be honest, bit of an acquired taste.
Cranberry Juice, Yummy :!:
But can't see why it will help with the plumbing :rolleyes:

Keep guzzling it, Prentice. Cranberry juice is often recommended for sufferers of cistitis. It has minerals (antioxidants) which are very effective at cleansing bacteria in the urinary tract. I rather like the stuff and do not find it particularly bitter, but this may depend on the amount of sweetened drinks consumed generally. In my case, none.

I would suggest that it is infinitely better for overall health than any of those putrid fizzy drinks that festoon the supermarket shelves. But I guess yer takes yer choice. :rolleyes:
Hope you're feeling better soon op. Was it stones or another form of infection?
I prefer cranberries, rather than the juice, they are slightly bitter but I can handle that with a dollop of Crème fraiche.
Fair enough, I'm amazed nobody said anything sooner, clearly a subject that's been on some regulars mind!
I read some of the posts before they were deleted. Totally uncalled for. Off topic (even for General discussion) and abusive. I have just pressed the alert mods button.

As for cranberry juice, cant stand it but my wife used to drink it when she was pregnant.
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