Criminal damage front door.

I wrote to the copper who's in charge of the licenses - he has the power to pull it or make changes.
However the response I received is that the pub is NOT responsible for the behaviour of the patrons once they leave. So the moment they leave the front door of the pub, they are scot free. It's a wonderful system hey.
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However the response I received is that the pub is NOT responsible for the behaviour of the patrons once they leave. So the moment they leave the front door of the pub, they are scot free.
Just a thought...

Were you to have a jolly old knees up at your gaff and some attendees had one too many sherbets, should you be responsible for their behaviour once they had exited your front door?
Just a thought...

Were you to have a jolly old knees up at your gaff and some attendees had one too many sherbets, should you be responsible for their behaviour once they had exited your front door?
Entirely different. Come back when you've done some research and then ask a sensible question.
For example

"Taking responsibility
The Licensing Act requires the supervisor - and all personal licence holders - to take responsibility for the sale and supply of alcohol.

This is because of the impact alcohol has on the wider community, on crime and disorder, and anti-social behaviour.

Because of these issues, selling alcohol carries greater responsibility than licensing regulated entertainment and late night sales of food and non-alcoholic drinks."
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"Making representations
You can make representations or comments to the council about applications for new licences, variations or reviews.

Comments may be positive or negative, but will only be considered relevant by the council if they relate clearly to the licensing objectives:

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm"

"Requesting a review of a licence
You can also call for an existing licence to be reviewed by the council if you have concerns relating to the licensing objectives.

In addition, the licensing authority must review a licence if the premises to which it relates was made the subject of a closure order by the police based on nuisance or disorder, and the magistrates’ court has sent the authority the relevant notice of its determination. A review must also be undertaken if the police have made an
application for summary review on the basis that premises are associated with serious crime and/or disorder."

Just a thought...

Were you to have a jolly old knees up at your gaff and some attendees had one too many sherbets, should you be responsible for their behaviour once they had exited your front door?

Oh dear, oh dear. What a silly post.
They look great actually, quite a nice looking door. But at nearly 2k I think they're out my range for now. We were wondering if we could put a grille up, on the inside. Can't do it outside because of conservation area. I am wondering if am taking it too far though!!

well pricey, yeah, but I reckon you'd sleep coz no scrote is getting through those bad boys in a hurry.
Entirely different. Come back when you've done some research and then ask a sensible question.
Ignorant as ever...

Try looking up the unintended consequences of 'joint enterprise' ;)

Hence why I asked 'should you be responsible' as it has relevance!
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