
15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
I have just seen a young boy, maybe 7 or 8 years old walking down the street with his Dad, who was also pushing a pram. All appear in high spirits.

Young boy drops a (not insignificant) piece of litter on the ground. Dad sees this. Dad says nothing.



Yes, I might just!
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Nobody controls their indisiplined, screaming brats anymore. They let them do what they want. I have had to ask parents to control their 'little darlings' on airplanes before now.

Our neighbours encourage there kids to shout and scream as much as they want in the garden. Sitting quietly in my garden is impossible with the racket. Glad its raining today, nice and peaceful outside. :(

Moving to France in next few years for the space and properly brought up children. :)
Heaven forbid a kid enjoying themselves and blowing off steam in there own back garden what is the world coming to, jailing is too good for them :rolleyes:
Moving to France in next few years for the space and properly bought up children. :)

Are you saying children in Britain cant be Bought.

Well Iam shocked, I knew the French where different, but buying their children takes the biscuit :rolleyes:
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Moving to France in next few years for the space and properly bought up children. :)
Don't think you're going to get peace in France. My sister's in the process of selling up cos the "space" has been sold and other Brits are moving in with their noisy brats. And the French ain't any quieter.
And yet these children will go on and study and pass examinations on "citizenship" without changing their antisocial and selfish behaviour which they have learnt from their parents in their formative years.

I used to drop my son off at a soccer school on Staurday morning and went to the nearby asda to for a bit of shopping, read the paper and have some breakfast. I could never understand how so many people left their tables in such a state, not attempting to clear away their things to the drop off point. Apart from poor training for youngsters, inconvenient for anyone who wants use the newly emptied table, and not a pleasant environment to sit and eat one's meal, it seemed (and remains to be) just rude!
You can't teach brats, (sorry, children :oops: ), manners anymore.
It is an infringement of their human rights and stifles their right to be individuals to do as they want, where they want, whenever they want and to whom they want and to hell with the consequences.

On a night out once with a group of workmates and on the way back we went to a chippy. A few of us finished and put all the wrappers back in the carrier bag they came in till we found a bin. One fella just threw his on the floor, when one of the other lads asked him why he did that he replied, "Well it keeps someone in a job picking it up." :eek:

He was never asked out again.
good job you don't live next to me!

In my back garden we have a double swing with see-saw, 2 individual see-saws, 2 slides, (1xlarge + 1 small)), 1 double see-saw, 1 small trampoline, 1 large sandpit, 1 small sand/water table, a selection of fold away tents/tunnels/tubes and a 10'x10'x6'-6" bouncy castle!
Not too mention a couple of bikes, a small plastic coupe car, 2 prams, 2 childs wheel barrows and balls too numerous to mention!
These are all for my 3 grandchildren when they visit which is usually about 4 times a week and sometimes they bring both dogs, (Staff pups).

There is nothing more enjoyable than hearing children safely enjoying themselves.
I am a 33 year old dad of three at the weekends two on a weekday, Only just friday i marched my son of ten around to an elderly neighbours who my son thought it would be funny to play knock down ginger on their door, the elderly couple were ever so polite and i was very apologetic for my sons behaviour and told the gent not to hesitate to phone the police should this happen again. Am i one of the few youngish parents who are not scared to discipline my kids in this day and age???
You can't teach brats, (sorry, children :oops: ), manners anymore.
It is an infringement of their human rights and stifles their right to be individuals to do as they want, where they want, whenever they want and to whom they want and to hell with the consequences.

On a night out once with a group of workmates and on the way back we went to a chippy. A few of us finished and put all the wrappers back in the carrier bag they came in till we found a bin. One fella just threw his on the floor, when one of the other lads asked him why he did that he replied, "Well it keeps someone in a job picking it up." :eek:

He was never asked out again.
Teenage parents need teaching before their children do.
good job you don't live next to me!

In my back garden we have a double swing with see-saw, 2 individual see-saws, 2 slides, (1xlarge + 1 small)), 1 double see-saw, 1 small trampoline, 1 large sandpit, 1 small sand/water table, a selection of fold away tents/tunnels/tubes and a 10'x10'x6'-6" bouncy castle!
Not too mention a couple of bikes, a small plastic coupe car, 2 prams, 2 childs wheel barrows and balls too numerous to mention!
These are all for my 3 grandchildren when they visit which is usually about 4 times a week and sometimes they bring both dogs, (Staff pups).

There is nothing more enjoyable than hearing children safely enjoying themselves.

Pity your poor neighbours, who have no choice but to listen to all this. And you seem to take delight in inflicting it on them. Its true what some politician said, about the wrong type of people breeding!
Heaven forbid a kid enjoying themselves and blowing off steam in there own back garden what is the world coming to, jailing is too good for them :rolleyes:

Yes, let the kids enjoy themselves, but not to the point where they inflict their noise on others. Can you tell me why I should suffer someone elses noise nuisance in my home/garden?
In my back garden we have a double swing with see-saw, 2 individual see-saws, 2 slides, (1xlarge + 1 small)), 1 double see-saw, 1 small trampoline, 1 large sandpit, 1 small sand/water table, a selection of fold away tents/tunnels/tubes and a 10'x10'x6'-6" bouncy castle!
Not too mention a couple of bikes, a small plastic coupe car, 2 prams, 2 childs wheel barrows and balls.

And don't forget the "cuddly toy" Conny. :LOL:

because they're kids you miserable g*t. Go move somewhere else if you don't like the noise. :rolleyes:
because they're kids you miserable g*t. Go move somewhere else if you don't like the noise. :rolleyes:

I can tell that you would be one of the parents with kids that are dragged up to do what the hell they want.

If anyone objects, smear them as a 'miserable git'.
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