god.my invisible friend.

Looking for God in a test tube...... err you missed him, where is his presence not? You will need to open your eyes and mind to see him.

Remember, when there was absolutely no matter, only Energy prevailed, E=Mc2 did not apply, there was no matter, no Mc2, it was only E=E then, until the time came when big bang happened and E became E=MC2, every atom born since then emerged from this big E, which stands for Energy or God, which dominated space, and still does in the form of invisible Energy or dark Energy or dark matter, what we cannot see.

What is in that test tube in that picture, and the test tube itself is part of God, no wonder Scientist can't find God! :eek:
(Reality is indeed too interesting to be content with ignorance)

So when did you and reality part company?

When I was a kid I prayed for a bike for Christmas. Never got it so I went out and pinched one.

Then I prayed for forgiveness. :mrgreen:
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Looking for God in a test tube...... err you missed him, where is his presence not? You will need to open your eyes and mind to see him.

Remember, when there was absolutely no matter, only Energy prevailed, E=Mc2 did not apply, there was no matter, no Mc2, it was only E=E then, until the time came when big bang happened and E became E=MC2, every atom born since then emerged from this big E, which stands for Energy or God, which dominated space, and still does in the form of invisible Energy or dark Energy or dark matter, what we cannot see.

What is in that test tube in that picture, and the test tube itself is part of God, no wonder Scientist can't find God! :eek:
(Reality is indeed too interesting to be content with ignorance)

So when did you and reality part company?

When I was a kid I prayed for a bike for Christmas. Never got it so I went out and pinched one.

Then I prayed for forgiveness. :mrgreen:

LOL! When I was young, believe it or not, I stole text books to find out where we come from! literally! I was then in primary school, we were not told by parents or by school teachers at that age where we actually come from, so i had to steal A level biology books to find out! It was shocking ! :eek:

I also took a great deal of interest in Physics and Electronics, so I stole a level text books on those subjects, I wish my parents could buy me those books but they had no spare cash!

As money was tight in my parents home, many times they did not have enough to pay for my school fee, the teacher would send me home! But luckily, I never had to steal a Bible, I found one in a skip, and took it home, and that is when I probably parted false reality! :cool:

One of the greatest things I read in one of the physics or a chemistry book, not sure which one, I read a statement that left an impression in my memory but I had no idea of the relevance of it until later in my life when I was trying to figure out who is God and How could he have created everything that there is. The statement read:

"That All matter is composed of Energy"

so from this I equated, if all matter is composed of energy, and if there was no matter before the creation, then there must be energy to have created matter, and now we understand that energy cannot be destroyed, so it must have been there from start of universe and if nothing else existed but God, then God must be Energy.

that really did it for me, it was worth the risk stealing that physics or Chemistry book now I realise, how important that statement was and later years it was the final piece I needed to complete the jigsaw puzzle, that God is none other than Supreme Energy from which all other energies emanated and formed a universe, and further more Einstein's statement that energy cannot be destroyed nor created hence all religions state that God was always there and did not need to have come from anywhere, he was always there and shall always prevail, in one form or another.

For me it is far more important to realise where i came from, rather than ask God why there is all these problems in the world and why children suffer from Leukemia or why worms are coming out of their eyes when they drink dirty water, you need not ask these question to God, we know the answers for them ourselves. I also stated earlier that God does not come to earth to spoon feed us, we have to go and earn our daily bread and overcome problems, not create new ones. Our destiny is now in our hands, if the earth gets destroyed it will not be God's fault. :eek: :LOL:
only God saved you!
That is in your mind. If you want to believe in it, then that is up to you.

I am not a scientist, I can't prove that the energy Sooey is made of is not that of God himself, there are no instruments that can prove that or your energy is different to his and mine.
You keep talking about your God - you believe in a book that might have been written years ago. No-one can prove or dis-prove any existence of your God. If it gives you comfort to believe in this, then good on you. Personally, I prefer Dan Brown.
Sorry mate, i am not just talking about my God, I am referring to our Universal God for the entire creation. There just isn't strong enough evidence or arguments against God not being the creator of the universe, I reject Evolution as it is based on unreal evidence, or make shift evidence, i explained why we seem to resemble close to Apes, and if we unearth fossil evidence, we cannot use that alone to conclude that we were not designed by an intelligent being, because as i stated who ever designed us, made the Apes and then improved further on its basic structure and added or refined newer features and trimmed what was not needed and and so naturally we would wrongly think that we evolved from Apes.

I have already explained as best as I could my reasons behind my belief, and not blindly rejecting God without first reasoning everything that is for and against God, I conducted my own independent search, thus came to this conclusion, as rightly no one can prove or otherwise the existence of God.

So i conclude my say, I leave you to convince among yourselves whether Evolution really gave rise to life and that universe formed without God's input, and that it just emerged without an external cause. I only believe in cause and effect. Behind everything that happens, there is always a cause, nothing happens without a cause.
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Sorry mate, i am not just talking about my God, I am referring to our Universal God for the entire creation. There just isn't strong enough evidence or arguments against God not being the creator of the universe, I reject Evolution as it is based on unreal evidence, or make shift evidence, i explained why we seem to resemble close to Apes, and if we unearth fossil evidence, we cannot use that alone to conclude that we were not designed by an intelligent being, because as i stated who ever designed us, made the Apes and then improved further on its basic structure and added or refined newer features and trimmed what was not needed and and so naturally we would wrongly think that we evolved from Apes.

I have already explained as best as I could my reasons behind my belief, and not blindly rejecting God without first reasoning everything that is for and against God, I conducted my own independent search, thus came to this conclusion, as rightly no one can prove or otherwise the existence of God.

So i conclude my say, I leave you to convince among yourselves whether Evolution really gave rise to life and that universe formed without God's input, and that it just emerged without an external cause. I only believe in cause and effect. Behind everything that happens, there is always a cause, nothing happens without a cause.

Mike, where did you get the idea that the theory of evolution says that we descended from apes?
Mike, when you say that creation can not come from nothing and must have had a creator, you are left with the problem of where the creator came from. Or did he come from nothing?
I think you are now winding me up sooey! :evil:

How many times do i have to say that Energy cannot be destroyed and neither created, and that I think God is in fact the Supreme Energy by that I mean the master source of all energies, whose properties are intellectual, mighty and powerful, and invisible, which could not be created and was always there as God the Supreme Energy, was neither created nor anyone can destroy it/him.

So if you now focus on something that can neither be created, nor destroyed, would you not say therefore it always existed ?

we cannot say it didn't exists, because if it did not exists, we would not be here today, as it then could not have been possible to have it created.
So where did energy come from? And what happens when the last gas is formed into stars and the last star runs out of fuel?
No more starlight.
If energy can't be destroyed, what happens to all of the condensed energy in the form of matter when it falls into a black hole leaving only it's gravitational influence in this universe.
The matter and energy we can see only accounts for four percent of the mass of the universe according to accepted wisdom, where's the rest? If energy is god is dark energy a dark god or devil perhaps? But remember before answering better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
I have answered your question about where energy came from, it need not have come from anywhere as its default state is 1 as opposed 0,

If the default state was 0, Nothing would have been, absolutely Nothing would have been not a single atom!

and as for black hole and stars running out of fuel, Professor Steven Hawkins is your best bet, I think personally that black hole can only swallow so much matter or so many stars and acquire immense gravitational force that it reaches a critical point where it can no longer take any more matter and its inner most core explodes and forms another galaxy, all over again, so it would form new stars and planets, kind of cycle, and we know new galaxies are being formed and new stars are being born all the time, but I have no idea what may happen to the entire universes consisting of trillions of galaxies.
Mike, where did you get the idea that the theory of evolution says that we descended from apes?

If you are trying to ask me if I have actually studied the theory of evolution or origin of species, then I have not quite frankly managed to lay my hands on darwins books, I picked up general concept from loads of other people and media, tv documentaries and youtube arguments where it is generally said that Scientist believe that we evolved from Apes.
How many times do i have to say that Energy cannot be destroyed and neither created,
How do you know that?

What if you were to believe it is not true?

I am going by Einstein's predictions, most of which have stood the test of times , but I can't see how else can energy be destroyed completely leaving no trace of anything, as in the process of its destruction it ends up producing something else, like heat, light, gamma rays, and who knows what else, which when annihilated turn back into energy eventually and the whole thing cycles between matter and energy in a closed loop universe. This is a matter for scientists and i can only think where I can fit God into this puzzle.
Mike, where did you get the idea that the theory of evolution says that we descended from apes?

If you are trying to ask me if I have actually studied the theory of evolution or origin of species, then I have not quite frankly managed to lay my hands on darwins books, I picked up general concept from loads of other people and media, tv documentaries and youtube arguments where it is generally said that Scientist believe that we evolved from Apes.

Mike, you've not picked up the concept at all, that a obvious.

How can you argue against something you don't understand?

I'll wager most of the creationists you have seen on youtube argue against something they haven't researched or understood - and believe in a book they haven't read and researched.

Why not take a little time to study what the modern theory of evolution (post Darwin) is actually about? The you could use your undoubted eloquence to argue against it effectively;rather than post something that anyone with a cursory knowledge of the subject could pick apart line by line?

The you could write some cracking stuff...
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