here we go then

Lincsbodger, you have hit the nail on the head. None of the big 3 can be trusted. None of the men leading the 3 parties are fit for leading the country. None of them are capable of making big decisions.

The english democrats get my vote. A vote for England, NOT for the EU. None of the big 3 will ever lead this country out of the money sink that is the EU. We get NOTHING from the EU (except maybe a few subsidies for farming and town regeneration), yet every year we pump in BILLIONS. Its a joke.

They have tough policies on immigration, crime, EU, and money waste.

EDP - a vote for common sense and a vote for England.
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i always remeber the words of my old head teacher. you will never find one who you will agree with 100%, so you need to find the one who you agree with 51% of the time and vote for them.
If one of the main parties were to turn round and say we want out of Europe they would get my vote.

The idea of the common market was good in principle to allow us to trade with our neighbours easier but this Europe has turned into a monster with no accountability to the individual country.

Leave now, why do we need to be in it, other countries within europe still trade with its neighbours eg switzerland
If one of the main parties were to turn round and say we'll put an end to all the layabouts that are workshy they'd get my vote. I'm sick of the sight of all the lazy gits getting every hand out under the sun. I've had people telling me I'm stupid working and that they'd never do it, they're better off not working blah blah blah.
Rant over.
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are we not run by 'EUROPE'????
so the question has to be,why the hell do we need this corrupt bunch of money grabbing barstuwards?????

they shouldve shut the banks down
they should never allowed the fuel to get as high as it has
they should never EVER allowed the criminals more power over the victims,this is accross the board.
they shouldve sorted out immigration LONG LONG ago.
i could go on.
but hey who ever gets in.
Does it really matter who gets voted in? The past few years have shown MP's for what they really are! Self serving, greedy, conniving, lying, law breaking fools.
We have seen and are still seeing their greed. The flipping of second homes, when they decide to sell them to evade CGT, employing family members, claiming expenses for almost everything they can get away with.
Now we have the prospect of 3 MP's getting legal aid costing millions to fight their cases in court. This at a time when the country is practically bankrupt.
Call me cynical if you will, but I can't see anything changing soon.
If Cameron was to state that he'd immediately close our borders to illegal immigration, repeal the abominable Human Rights Act, build more prisons and make sure a prison sentence is a harsh regime (instead of Butlins behind walls) and,,, offer the electorate a referendum on our future in Europe, He'd have my vote.
Heck, if Gordon was to say the same, he'd have my vote too.
As it is, you can bet your last penny,none of the issues I've mentioned, will be on offer to anyone. :cry: :cry: :cry:

so i take it that you are a floating voter... :D
Well if people are not happy, vote someone else in. If you don't vote you are wasting your vote and basically saying, I'm ok with the way things are.

If only 10% of people voted, the government would still be in power, only not anyone that you voted...because you didn't.

I have nothing against MPs unlike a lot of strange people here. Think it is time for a change though.
If one of the main parties were to turn round and say we want out of Europe they would get my vote.

there are other parties.
If one of the main parties were to turn round and say we want out of Europe they would get my vote.

there are other parties.

If all these parties keep turning round we'll have a f***ing tornado!!
Perhaps if no one votes it would be the signal for a coup,

umm your far too late, Labour thought of that one years ago, and has been busy putting in place laws to prevent anybody protesting about anything - remember the fuel strikes a few years ago, they soon slipped i n laws to stop ever ever happening again. With RIPA they surveille you in any way they want, the police can walk into your house under several pretexts whenever they like, and they can detain you without trial for weeks, hold your trial in secret, deny you legal aid for certain offences, deny you the right to a jury, deny you the right to silence, deny you the right to protection from self incrimination, bar evidence that might help you under the guise of national security, and if they still cant get you, they can use the Terrorism Act place you under a form of house house arrest indefinitely

And you want 4 more years of Labours Police State ?
vote alsheating


you know it makes sence :eek:
If any of you are not old enough to know the way tories behave in government and would like to try them out. Consider this, there is no difference in the parties, each party member could quite easily transfer over to the others. Each party has to follow the same political policy trail as the other. Either party when they get government all try to do the right thing and in time make a real mess of it. In a national election, personallity and nationality is a major part of the vote. As a competion for supremacy you may just as well be watching a game of tennis. All the retoric the MP's come out with is a ploy to simplify things for you but absolutely nothing is going to change. We will always have major major problems in this country because its not run by the sort of people who can see and stop the problems before they happen. It was a tory government that de-regulated the banks. The uitily companies being sold to Europe is the cause of high prices.Think why? because it doesn't matter now, we are screwed. We need a government that makes it right for us, not for them, so who do you chose then?
If you are working class you must vote for labour.
Don't be fooled.
Cameron plans to charge us £10.00 everytime we visit the doctor.
We already pay more than enough through our NI contributions and this out and out attack on the health of the working class will be just the beginning.
I know Gordon's not brilliant but he's all we've got.
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