Home Birth

I would STILL recommend hospital Maternity unit delievery ......

but .....
I personnally had a horrendous time with my late wifes birth an lil girls short life ...:( :(

btw I think they are a lot more open now an you can check out maternity units records ....births /deaths etc
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Too big for the birth canal ? Baby gets stuck, requires emergency caesar, if at home good chance of a dead child.

Certainly for a first birth, hospital is best, even subsequent home births are risky. How can you possbily tell if there will be complications ? To my mind its a bit like working on your electricity and saying oh well the RCD will cut the power if I touch anything live.

thats what happened with us. Ive seen all sorts of horrible things, but ive never been as scared as when my unborn babies heartrate started dropping very quickly
Definatly hospital. It's all well and good to think of the "natural" home birth is fine, but when somthing is not quite right, having doctors, consultants, nurses etc running into the labour suite with the right equipment on hand is the best way. Our first was slow to breath and although everything was OK in the end, apart from a stroppy teenager now!!!!! it now seems right that although it was very worrying for first few minuites we now know that if we weren't in hospital things could have been VERY different.
seen a lot here regarding , upset probs ...1991/era .....

Is there A horrible pattern/ward rules on births that got phazed out .....

nurses retired ...whistle blow now .......an give parents A release..

Not money ... just piece of mind ......TELL us TELL us ALL .....
an set us free ..

went to My gorgeous Wife Marias grave today , an my daughter Lucy ....RIP

this has been before me an should I post this ?
b*****s ...
Im going straight too Hell anyway ... lol ...lol
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It would be interesting to find out where the majority of health care pro's do the business... Gonna argue with their informed choice? Or perhaps they know too much and are over cautious?
You pays your money (some do) and takes your chance.

If we were really seen as customers, and treated as such, the whole damned thing would be far better. We are British and therefore have to create divisions 1st, 2nd, 3rd and even more lower classes if possible in all services.
My 6 year old was born in hospital following a 4 day period of trial contractions and both of us going in and out 3 times - by the end my wife was so exhausted she needed an epidural.

Perhaps as a result of this (which was more to do with her and the baby rather than the hospital per se), my wife wanted our 4 year old to be born at home, which he was without problems, however we only lived a mile from the hospital. I was not happy about her wanting the birth at home and would have preferred her to play safe and go. We sent our 2 year old to a relatives when we realised the contractions were happening.

Other advantages/ disadvantages:
- You may have to redecorate at home afterwards (I did!)
- If you have the baby at home, you will be bombarded by wellwishers (even if it is just by phone) - you get somewhat shielded from this at hospital
- The mother will probably sleep better at home than in a maternity ward
pna said:
- You may have to redecorate at home afterwards (I did!)

Woh! Would you care to elaborate? Of course you don't have to. I am redecorating now with it half-in-mind that the baby may be delivered at home - to make a nice environment for the birth: for the Mum, like, not the baby, it ain't gonna come out and notice the edges round the skirting boards, is it?

But then if I'd have to re-decorate after all the liquid and stuff... :rolleyes:
WE may lose another midwife or more... Back problems etc ( No HSE in the home ;) ) ... there is more to all this than meets the casual eye !

Midwife having to drive, park and walk all hours of the night - alone - Plenty of women visited, wouldn't feel safe doing so themselves.

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