Home Secretary is not sorry that there is a shortage of PPE

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
but she does say she's sorry if people feel that way.


That's enough... isn't it?

"The British Medical Association earlier said that NHS staff were putting their lives at risk when treating patients.

The health secretary said earlier that 19 NHS workers had died with coronavirus since the outbreak began.

Speaking at Saturday's coronavirus briefing in Downing Street, the home secretary said: "I'm sorry if people feel that there have been failings. I will be very, very clear about that."
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And apparently Priti Patel's ineptitude is exactly what Boris admires in her?
She's is or was is in Favour of the death penalty in certain circumstances

That and the fact that she is fit

Gets my vote if I was to vote which is unlikely
Immigrant family so perhaps the Tories will deport her.
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She should have left the "if people feel" out of that statement. Then JohnD, Gally, Ellie, Nosey, Notchy and any other remoaners wouldn’t have said anything. Oh wait, yes they would have because even though there’s a shortage of PPE throughout the whole world, they think we should have had a billion of then sitting in storage just waiting for a pandemic to come along. Of course if it didn’t come long then they could moan about that. They just like moaning.
She should have left the "if people feel" out of that statement. Then JohnD, Gally, Ellie, Nosey, Notchy and any other remoaners wouldn’t have said anything. Oh wait, yes they would have because even though there’s a shortage of PPE throughout the whole world, they think we should have had a billion of then sitting in storage just waiting for a pandemic to come along. Of course if it didn’t come long then they could moan about that. They just like moaning.

The same Goverment that in 2017 planning for Pandemics decided not to stock PPE equipment and now do not want to release the report.
The same Government that did not attend 8 meetings with the EU on coronavirus in the last two months.
The same Government that has paid for 3.5m tests that do not work.

The list goes on Mottie, criticism is deserved as it can shine a light on what is happening now and if possible for a change. After the fact the reports and inquests are unlikely to be release - this Government has a track record on that.

Sure you are a Blue as they come Tory but you should draw the line when your loyalty becomes a detriment to the betterment of the nation.
There will be a clap for Priti Patel tonight at 73 minutes past eleventeen twelvety
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