
Mickeymoody is indeed correct on the issue of how homosexual's aren't designed to go through the reproductive cycle and therefore don't really fit into evolutionary model in that manner.

If I were of a troll mind (and to pre-empt any such churlish trends from anyone else) I could no doubt bang on about how the unemployed are not designed to be "of the fittest" in the survival bit of evolutionism - although one could argue that this is quite the opposite case, since surely those who get through times of hardshp and strife are indeed more hardy!

However, I'm not of that ilk (today anyway ;) ) and offer the following two observations:

1/. Homosexuality is as old as the hills.

2/. The fact that a homosexual will not reproduce demonstrates that evolution works just fine (it marks the end of what "nature" presumably considers non viable genetic line).
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One thing that pees me off about the Gays is that they have adopted a word that I cannot use any more.

I once was 'happy and gay' but not any more, I'm only happy. :cry:

Girls used to be named Gay. A beautiful name which I believe meant fairy like.

But the name will go out of use now because of this adoption.

Is there a gay out there that has a good suggestion because I want that word back and want to be able to call a lady friend Gay again without feeling I've genderised her?

Come on you 'whatsits' give me back my word and then I can get my life back!!! :cry:
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One thing that pees me off about the Gays is that they have adopted a word that I cannot use any more...

But the name will go out of use now because of this adoption.

Tell us how you used to write to the papers complaining that homophobes had appropriated other words that you cannot use any more. Like "bent"; "Pansy"; "Iron Hoof"; "padded footstool"; "queeer"; "Nancy" and hundreds of others.

Or do you only complain when the homosexuals find a word they like?
You beat me to it, John.

I also think sexuality isn't as clear cut as homo/heterosexual with nothing inbetween. It can be a very fluid thing.

And I don't think sexuality is necessarily fixed at birth either. There is room for experimentation (hence my earlier post) which often takes place in the teenage years.

Teenagers of both sexes have crushes on their same-sex peers which they may or may not grow out of.

Now you tell me: if you think sexuality is fixed early in life, why does this experimentation take place?

I also believe upbringing can have a bearing. I know someone who is gay & this was largely influenced by their treatment by a parent when they were growing up.
Valid though your point may be John and securespark, it does seem a shame that a new word could not have been created (or evolved from other ones in use) which which would obviate the need for "loss" of this one. Something like "hosal" is a simple one that springs to mind.

Non-derogatory and a google search shows a few references to proper Nouns (names of people and somewhere in North Korea), plus it works grammatically quite simply - "I'm hosal", " a member of the hosal community"

Maybe we should set the ball rolling on this one ;)
I think it's not up to us non-Gays to tell them what word to use to describe themselves. If they've found one they like after thousands of years of abuse, let 'em keep it.
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