How bad is the credit crunch/recession

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I have just seen our company accounts for last year.
Somehow I don't think we are doing to bad ;)
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It might be a good time for the UK to sell some of its gold reserves. Price seems right.
What gold reserves Joe?
Brown got rid off the last remaining lot at a car boot sale. :LOL:
BoxCleva, I used to be a HR Trainer for Trinity Mirror. My wife is Head of HR for her organisation. Obviously between us we have a fair appreciation for Employment Law, Support Agencies such as Acas etc. I've googled, 'Largest Employment Law Support Company in the UK',
I work for the largest employment law support company in the UK.
Who is that then?
I'd rather not say. But a little research will give you your answer.
but I'm getting all sorts of sites coming back, can you be a little more specific?
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