lifes not fair

11 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
I feel so sad for the families that have endured so much heartache recently ie the poor children that have drowned/ murdered how on earth do they get over it ( if ever ) :cry: :cry: god bless them

then there are the scumbags/ murderers/ druggies etc etc that are walking about breathing fresh air. yeh lifes not fair
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That's because life is random, and not preordained. It's also proof that there is no benign God looking over anyone.
Now, I'm not religious, but that's not proof at all.

I suppose you would expect Him to save all the suicide victims, stop vehicles crashing, etc....

Even if He existed, He would not do this.
Terminator theory - Unless he caused the events to happen to prevent some future catastrophe, maybe one of these kids would become a world leader one day and start WW3?
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Now, I'm not religious, but that's not proof at all.

I suppose you would expect Him to save all the suicide victims, stop vehicles crashing, etc....

Even if He existed, He would not do this.
Therefore if he (what about she...;) ) existed, he/she would be a sadistic b*stard!
I feel very sorry for the family that lost 3 children due to drowning but WHY didn't they have life jackets on.

We can't take chances in life that risk others.

Don't forget to add bankers to the 'scumbag' list.
Funny how it used to be used car salesmen and estate agents that were most hated.
Oh yeah newspaper magnates too (or one in particular).

And throw the solicitors into the mix too. The ones that keep texting me telling me i'm entitled to £3,000 for 'that' accident i had.

Scumbags the lot of em.
Terminator theory - Unless he caused the events to happen to prevent some future catastrophe, maybe one of these kids would become a world leader one day and start WW3?

And why would he allow them to get to such a young age, and then kill them?

I don't like this God.
I have a theory about this 'God.'

I believe that in some far away, timeless, other reality there is a huge and all powerful alien being.

He created our universe for his own satisfaction and then, he gave our Earth to his youngest son, as a present.

The son, as do all children, plays marbles and all sorts of games with his present.

One day soon he will tire of it, then god (sic) help us. ;)
Oh! God's a fiction of mans imagination.

A fiction to cling to in the dark of night, when the world is scary, the wind blows and all good men should be asleep.

And throw the solicitors into the mix too. The ones that keep texting me telling me i'm entitled to £3,000 for 'that' accident i had.

Scumbags the lot of em.

I'll send you the number of my one. I've got £7,666 coming for my accident.
Must include something for my amnesia because I can't remember having one!
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