lifes not fair

It sounds like you are following a "Gaia" type belief system for the entire cosmos. Whatever floats your boat, its all speculation at this point.

Given that everything within the Universe, no matter how complex, is due to natural laws I believe creation itself was a natural thing, perhaps born of another universe.

I do not personally hold any notion of God. God itself is an irrelevent term outside of myths and fantasy. The God I was talking about is the generally percieved notion of "God" that there is something up there that actually gives a s*** about our lives.
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That's the mental illness known as religion. The realisation of God is that all things come from a single source that has always been and will always be. Let's call that source God and be done with it. ;)
Disagree with the term God. Too many connotations. And to be fair the usual desciptions of God have been around a lot longer than yours Joe.
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Nothing to do with faith - just the logic that turns the wheels of our universe.
I feel very sorry for the family that lost 3 children due to drowning but WHY didn't they have life jackets on.

We can't take chances in life that risk others.


Apparently the kids did they found the little girl face down with a buoyancy aid on, don't tell me the little lads didn't. Because that's just plain foolishness. Tragic foolishness.
Sorry guys but there is no man in the sky.... Jesus was a
Man, a cult leader who has made it into history by kings attempts tO control the population and make them behave. If you choose to believe the load of crap that is the bible fair enough but AT LEAST READ IT. Your so called god demanded that people killed their children and set them on fire to please Him. Why on earth would you worship a k obhead like that?
Father xmas will be the last thing on your mind when your about to snuff it.

We'll all be in that position some day. The difference between you and I is that I won't be wasting my last breaths pleading with some non existent god to whisk me off to some non existent utopia. :rolleyes:
Or sh*tting myself that I might be off to some non existent fiery hell. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Father xmas will be the last thing on your mind when your about to snuff it.

We'll all be in that position some day. The difference between you and I is that I won't be wasting my last breaths pleading with some non existent god to whisk me off to some non existent utopia. :rolleyes:
Or sh*tting myself that I might be off to some non existent fiery hell. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

But your from liverpool, where do you think your going? ;)
to my way of thinking god will never exists
there is never any "protection" from the evil people in our communities quite often preachers and "fathers" in his name who abuse children

now you can never blame any group for the actions off an other
but when the people are priests under the pope then they should hang there heads in shame as some off the priests by there actions are the most evil predatory people ever in the civilised world :evil: :evil:

of course the vast majority are innocent but the guilty are often protected with the innocent children are demonized and excommunicated
To those people who believe in god..... how did you pick your religion - did you sit down with a rep from each faith and listen to their arguments about how their god is the real one and pick from there? or read all their bibles etc? or..... were you just born in a christian country?

Well when you're on your death bed, even the most religious person is rejecting hundreds of gods. Athiests just go one god further.
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