Muscle and joint pain

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
I have been experiencing joint and muscle stiffness lately. Not as a result of anything I've done, as its been going on for some time. When I'm moving about I'm fine, but when I've been sat down or laid down for a while, my legs have seized up and it takes about 15 seconds of moving about to loose the stiffness. I do a lot of walking about at work, I spend most of my time on my feet, so its not like I dont exersize my joints. And I dont overdo the heavy lifting either.

IIRC, this all started when I got my new job in a much bigger shop than I was at before. I put it down to not being used to walking this far in a day, but its been 4 months now.

Just a little worried. Anyone else had this kind of joint pain? I will see my doctor (who/wherever he is) if it doesnt improve, because I know this kind of thing can be serious. I'm only 24! :(
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Visited that link already. Thanks for googling that :LOL:

I'm not overweight (well, a little podge on the belly but nothing major)

If you are still having troubles after four months in the new job it would be a good idea to go to the doc to get checked out. It is probably nothing but better to be on the safe side. Don't just settle for a packet of ibuprofen - it doesn't sound as if you are a regular visitor to the surgery so they can hardly class you as a hypochondriac ! Be firm in your assertion that four months is plenty of time to wait before complaining so you believe it is time you had the pain investigated.

Do it and good luck. Let us know how it goes.
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I can only offer my doctor's remedy for all that ails you.
If you smoke, Pack up.
If you drink, Pack up.
If you eat, Pack up, or eat less.
If it hurts when you breathe, Try to avoid breathing !!.
If it hurts when you walk, Avoid walking.
If you like making love, Pack it up.

Anything you enjoy doing,,, Pack it up.

Fair but Sad,, that's my doctor.

;) ;) ;)
It is best to seek the advice of your GP, it could be something trivial but may not.
Like I said there are lost of things that can effect muscle and joints, not just fatigue through over exsertion.
I have had trouble with my thyroid levels and also psoriasis in the past, these can effect muscles and joints, an under active thyroid can also make you feel a little lethargic.
It could be the onset of osteoarthritis. Nothing to worry about. It's natural.
Nothing to worry about. It's natural.

These wernt natural, and were most definitely something to worry about, they killed her in the end


Lolo Ferrari
Steve have you any other symptoms? Are you under more stress with your new job? Are you sleeping well?
You could look up symptoms of ME or maybe Fibromyalgia (FMS).

But bottom line is, don't self-diagnose, get to the docs.. and don't let them fob you off... keep going back if the symptoms become chronic or worsen.
DR BEAN : ........ "One off the wrist and an early night steve"..........

.....................Next .

Steve have you any other symptoms? Are you under more stress with your new job? Are you sleeping well?
Other things thats changed is its now 5 days a week I get up at 5 or 6, rather than the 4 days and an evening i did before. I get plenty of sleep, if I'm up at 5 or 6am, I'm in bed for 9:15pm.

Re. the stress, yes my job is more stressful. I have much more responsibility, and more things to remember, than in my old job. It has been a trying time for me to settle in, but I'm fine now. I wouldnt say I'm stressed, I enjoy going to work, the people are great, but I'm constantly on the go, with 10-11 hour days 5 days a week.

When I was younger (in school) I had psoriasis at stressful times, but it hasnt appeared recently.

The one thing I dont want to happen now is that I get signed off work for this. Theres only one of me at work, and I know the boss gets stressed without me there. I have two weeks off work from now, so I will rest up. :cool:
Wait till you hit 50 then you'll know aches and pains. You're just getting gold mate.
It is best to seek the advice of your GP, it could be something trivial but may not.
Like I said there are lost of things that can effect muscle and joints, not just fatigue through over exsertion.
I have had trouble with my thyroid levels and also psoriasis in the past, these can effect muscles and joints, an under active thyroid can also make you feel a little lethargic.
Psoriatic Arthropathy . :idea:
I'm a bricklayer by trade. By the time I was 25 I had arthritis in my left wrist and 2 years later in my right elbow. Over the years I've had problems with my knees, elbows and back. I had no luck with any medication. I was in hospital for 12 weeks with my back, for 6 of those completly flat, unable to move. I've allways lived with the attitude it's only pain (much to my wifes disgust) but one thing I suggest to try is accupuncture. It helped me. I had massive swelling in my wrists which conventional medicine did nothing to help but accupuncture was brilliant. With my back I suffered with collapsed disks, accupuncture didn't fix it but it took the pain away. I can only say that if you have a fear of needles, then you have a problem :rolleyes: I'll be reaching 54 this year and I've got aches and pains from head to toe , but I think I can live with it.
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