OE crapping out when trying to send/receive

23 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
Been helping a pal with his PC, he has an email address that's registered with 123-reg.co.uk.

Outlook express has been set up with usernames, PW's, pop3 settings etc but the error message pops up when sending or receiving saying password rejected, and/or the password box pops up requesting the password to be entered (even though it's already entered and saved)

All problems would point to the password being incorrect, but it's been entered carefully and works fine on 123-reg's own webmail login page.

Here's the annoying bit: now and then it actually works, and is able to send receive. But it takes many tries, and it's not really convenient to sit at a pc for 2 hours pressing send/receive.

The 'log on using SPA' box is unticked (If it's ticked, it causes the server to reject the PW immediately without even trying)

The outgoing mail has the 'My server requires authentication' box checked, as 123-reg suggest in their help pages.

Can't think of anything else, any ideas? :confused:
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Hi Deluks

As it works some of the time, I can only assume you have all the correct settings, but you can check here.

Are there any other accounts set up in OE? It might be worth removing these for the purposes of testing.

Can you provide all the details of the error received. There should be an obscure number, begining 0x, which can often help with diagnosing the issue.

Also, have you tried a different mail client?
I'll probably see him tomorrow so will try to get the exact wording in the error message.

What other mail clients do you suggest? (easier to use the better)

I've been to that 123reg page, but thanks for the fingerwork :)
Who does he use for his ISP? A lot of the cheaper isps block port 25 smtp sending to any server other than their own... They do however let you send via theirs. Simply set the pop3 address as 123reg and put in the login credentials and then put the smtp server of your isp WITHOUT authentication and you should be good to go

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Who does he use for his ISP? A lot of the cheaper isps block port 25 smtp sending to any server other than their own... They do however let you send via theirs. Simply set the pop3 address as 123reg and put in the login credentials and then put the smtp server of your isp WITHOUT authentication and you should be good to go


Interesting! I'll try that, it's a BT business account I believe.
If you use the BT SMTP server, you will need to authenticate with your BT credentials. BT don't block port 25, and you've managed to send successfully at some point, so the settings should be ok.