Ripples in Space

I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to these grand astrological discoveries. Any scientist spending £millions/billions on a project will, after a time see what they want to see. The bean counters will always want a return for their investment, so its easy for the 'experts' to offer a snippet of a grand discovery which baffles the layman.
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I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to these grand astrological discoveries. Any scientist spending £millions/billions on a project will, after a time see what they want to see. The bean counters will always want a return for their investment, so its easy for the 'experts' to offer a snippet of a grand discovery which baffles the layman.
Yes, these secretive scientists do nothing but take all these billions, live the life of riley, buy Hollywood mansions, super yachts, flashy cars etc with nothing to show for it.
Except for an announcement to the entire globe of course. Some snippet.
It's a bit like faking some moon landings whilst keeping the whole thing secret from one of the most prolific spy agencies on the planet.

Bloody scientists.
No Brigadier, the irony is do you even know what a micro meter looks like, let alone a nano Meter and a 12,000th of it?
As for "contributing" what do you expect me to do? pop up a bottle of champagne?

It doesn't change anyone's life, and never will do either. Probably make it worst for all humanity on earth. Now that we know gravitational waves really do exist! OMG! help!
If you use sat nav, you are already benefiting from Einstein's genius. Who are you to say that this won't lead to something you come to rely on, in a few years?

And, using a microscope at work, I am familiar with microns.
I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to these grand astrological discoveries. Any scientist spending £millions/billions on a project will, after a time see what they want to see. The bean counters will always want a return for their investment, so its easy for the 'experts' to offer a snippet of a grand discovery which baffles the layman.

No you aren't a cynic, you are a ****.

I think the discovery is all very interesting and as someone said, amazing that such a tiny effect is detectable. I really don't understand it though, I don't understand space-time. I also don't understand quantum mechanics. I think you need to be immersed in the subject for quite some time to make sense of it.
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Brigadier, it is true the sat nav is helping us negotiate speed cameras, and take us where we have never dared go before, often dead ends, and narrow roads leading to dead ends, (lol) yes it has helped us in many things but it is equally dangerous, its dual use, it is being used for destructive purpose as well as for constructive use, drones are now being sent to target anyone on earth in the most remotest parts of this earth, but we will see what benefits we may get from discovering the existence of these ripples, in a way it is good, it might lead us to God who knows.
They have observed the warping of space-time generated by the collision of two black holes more than a billion light-years from Earth.
How do they know it has affected time as well?
Serious answer: because space and time co exist, so if it affects one, it affects t'other. They are really just functions of each other, like energy and mass.
Yes, I am aware of the theory - but do they know these newly discovered waves, as they are waves, are affecting the time there?

What is time?
I am as enthusiastic as any scientist trying to unfold the existence of gravitational waves, I hope it is true . I am now thinking of how to cash on this new idea, sure these new discoveries would be useless if you can't make money.

So Today I started on a new project called "Portable Gravitational Wave Detector" I hope to be taking my design to China and have it mass produced cheaply for about 50p and hope to sell it on Ebay for £9.99 including vat and postage. I am sure if James McCormick can sell bomb detectors to British Army manning checkpoints in Iraq, then I should have no problem selling thousands to public.

New Discoveries are useless unless you can make some money.
Are you sure there are Portable Gravitational Waves to detect?
Yes as long as you can make an LED blink randomly, each time we can say a gravitational wave was detected and the LEd blinked!

Already my prototype has detected half a dozen waves! bingo!

just need to add a sound chip that does the wooosh sound when the LED blinks.
Yes, I am aware of the theory - but do they know these newly discovered waves, as they are waves, are affecting the time there?

What is time?
Time and the passage of light are related, inexplicably. If the 'normal' passage of light is interrupted then so is the passage of time.
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