
Glad to hear that Andrew ..... hope you get loads of support for such a worthy cause :)
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Glad to see your still sticking at it :D

Still awaiting another leg op here :evil: :evil: :evil:
Hello again guys,

10 days to go until the Great Yorkshire Run and i've run 10km this morning. In four months, and 21 training runs i've gone from having never run any considerable distance before and struggling to run 750m to running 10km. I'm very pleased with myself!

My target when I signed up to the run was anything under 60mins run time, and this morning I ran 10km in 55mins and 11 seconds so i'm a very happy chappy today. Another 10 days to work on it a little more, try and get the time down to around 50mins and hopefully it'll get a little easier - it was hard work this morning - came very close to giving up and walking at around 8.5km this morning, but pushed myself to finsih the 10km.

:D :D
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Andrew. Don't forget to give yourself a break before the run and do a bit of carbohydrate loading.
I see you have exceeded your total the Liverpool shirt is on ?
Well done :)
Thanks guys, and thanks for the donation securespark - very much appreciated! I assume you mean Rob - the guy i'm running with? If you go back to my justgiving page, down the left hand side there's a link to our 'team page' Smellsliketeamspirit' if you click that link, you'll be able to get to Rob's page from there.

Less than a week to go now and starting to get a little aprehensive about the run... i'm sure it'll be fine on the day, at least the forecast is for cooler weather than this last weekend!! :)
Joe 90, can you advise on any particular foods to eat? I've been told by others too that i should start carb-loading around 3days before and i should eat high carb, but low fat foods, but not really sure what's a good example of this? All that i'm thinking is pasta and bananas!! All my training has been done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, so food has never really crossed my mind up until now! As for a break before the run - i've been "invited" to help my brother-in-law fetch his cows in for the winter on Saturday - not entirely sure thats the restful day I had in mind!!

Susiejb - yeah, made it to my target which does unfortunately mean i've got to spend around an hour wearing a Liverpool FC shirt :cry: A good incentive to run faster though... :)
I don't think I'd worry too much about carb' loading. It is only a 10k race.

I know, easy for me to say, but I've been there several times in my distant past.
I once did a 6K run without any preperation. I didn't even have any kit, I had to go buy some. It was a 3 day conference, with a fun run thrown in.
I couldn't walk upstairs in a normal fashion afterwards, for a day or so.

Don't forget to warm-up before the start and the wind-down exercises at the end!
RH2 - to be honest, I thought the same. When someone first mentioned changing what I eat, my first thought was not to worry about it for this run - i'm already half thinking about doing a half-marathon next year, and I fully expect i'll need to think about my diet more if I do that, but for 10km I personally didn't think it was too important - like I say, i've been doing my training between 6 and 7am having not eaten since 7pm the night before...

The warming up too has always got me puzzled for this, i'm basically jogging, so what kind of thing should i do to warm me up that's less strenuous than jogging? There is a 'group warm up' on the day so that should put me straight on that front...
If the group warm-up is supervised or lead, then just follow their lead.
You'll probably learn some useful techniques. They're almost duty bound to be qualified if they're supervising/leading a group warm-up.
Otherwise, just gentle stretching, leading on to more vigorous stretching, leading on to jogging, gentle running, not forgetting the upper torso also, even the neck and shoulders, just gentle stretching head/shoulder rolling.
You only need to allow 10 -15 minutes for warm-up, but the group session may take longer. The supervisors will want to make sure everyone is warmed up sufficiently. Don't worry if you start to sweat a little in the warm-up, that's about where you want to be, as long as you have a minute or so to recover before the start.

And don't go shooting off too quickly at the start. Look for your pace as early as possible and relax into it.

About the 7.5 - 8k mark assess your reserve stamina and start pushing then if you feel you're up to it. Re-assess again about the 9k mark.
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