
I once did a 6K run without any preperation.....I couldn't walk upstairs in a normal fashion afterwards, for a day or so.

Same here. I did the Mcr - B/pool bike ride in 1989, then again in 2009, with no training. Got there OK, but had seriously sore nether regions. :eek:
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stop faffing about and buy a motorbike you will get finished much quicker, wont sweat as much and your legs wont be sore its a win-win for you
Thanks for the idea Kirkgas - i was thinking myself how much quicker and easier it is to get places in my car - but the event organisers at Bupa seem very insistant that you can only enter on foot.. they're being a bit unreasonable methinks? ;)
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Well guys, I did it!!!! I ended up pulling a muscle in my ankle last week somehow, but by Saturday it felt fine again so I assumed it was ok to run on Sunday morning - less than 2km into the run it was obvious that it wasn't better and it just got gradually worse. I think the sensible thing would have been to give up, but I was so determined to do the run that i carried on and now i'm paying for it!!

Finished in 59mins and 45 seconds, which given that I was more or less limping for most of the run, that's not too bad. My original goal was under an hour anyway so I made that - just!

Raised over £700 for The Children's Hospital Charity, Sheffield in the process, with the promise of more money still to come, so I guess it was worth it. Gonna give the ankle plenty of time to recover before getting back out to start training for the next challenge!! Will just concentrate on being able to walk for now though...

I feel pround of myself for completing it, even when obstacles were thrown in my way, just a bit disappointed that my ankle meant i didn't enjoy the run as much as I'd hoped i would. Back next year to do it properly!!!
Well done, but................running on an injury isnt a great idea even for charity. They would agree as they would rather you be able to do it again.
That said again, congrats.

Now have it looked at properly.
Well done from me too! But, like Alarm, I would say "Respect the pain. It hurts for a reason".

From doing personal challenges, running and swimming events, in my younger days, I moved on to more leisurely but, perhaps more challenging events.

It happened by accident, rather than a thought-out strategy.
Just talking about the "Three Peaks" to a friend in the pub one evening, it developed into a regular annual challenge.

We'd 'spread the word about' our impending challenge to welcome any newcomers or charity fund raisers to join us. We had a hardcore of about six who would do most challenges, but occasionally we'd have up to fifiteen join us.

We started with the Three Peaks for a few years, then we'd choose different challenges such as the Fourteen Peaks, Coast to Coast cycle, Alpsitz, Zugspitz (which invariably coinicided with Oktoberfest). My final participation was Mont Blanc but the group went on to bag a few peaks of the Cuillin Ridge. Scotland is not my favorite place during the midge season!

After each annual event we'd have a de-brief, discuss and select the next years event. We did all our own organisation. We considered the advertised challenges to be more of a business than a charity fund raising event.

We'd organise some days training, with the stipulation that all participants must attend at least one or two, to avoid any embarrasments.

We laid down some ground rules for fund-raisers, e.g. verifiable accounts.

We also welcomed non-participants to help out with support, etc.

As most of the hardcore group were employed by the same organisation we were able to leverage some sponsorship. This varied from transport costs to out-of-date consumables.
Don't worry guys, i've learnt my lesson the hard way!! To be fair, before the race I had no pain from my foot at all, if it was still hurting I wouldn't have started, but that said, during the run when it started hurting I knew I should have given up, but didn't. It is an easy decision to make though when you're not running in your first ever 10km run, that you've prepared for for three months and having had so many people donate such generous amounts for the charity cause I was running for. I just felt i couldn't let them down and was so determined to complete the run that i just couldn't give up.

Fantastic news. Well done that man!

I came off my bike once on the Blackpool ride & by the end had severe perineal pains ( :eek: ), but was determined to finish, even though I had to walk a little, so I could claim the sponsorship for the charity!

I think I've recovered now, though it took 2 years! Only kidding....
Just wanted to update now that i've collected all my sponsorship money in.

After setting myself a target of £500 to raise for The Children's Hospital Charity, Sheffield, thanks to the generosity of my family, friends, colleagues and associates, I managed to raise an impressive total of £965.00, way way above my target and what I expected to get.

Special thanks to the couple of 'strangers' on here who don't know me outside this forum, but still were kind enough to support me by sponsoring me. You know who you are!! Thank you! :D
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