Scottish independence.

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Constructive as ever.... :rolleyes:
And yet you won't answer why your queen apparently deserves 'respect'...

Funny how you are obtuse as ever ;)

You don't respect the Queen and that's just fine. And yet she hasn't done anything to deserve your scorn either.
You come from some banana republic and just decide she deserves to be hated. Plenty like you at the moment.

She has served her country for 80 years with great dignity and at 88 is still doing so.

Where will you be at 88?
OOh yeah in a care home hobbling about on a zimmer frame (if your lucky) at the tax payers expense moaning about the monarchy because you spent half your life moaning on an internet forum and going on protest marches instead of putting your head down and actually working to ease the burden on the taxpayer.

Meanwhile the British Sovereign will be taking care of constitutional and representational duties which have developed over one thousand years of history.
Receiving foreign ambassadors and high commissioners, entertaining visiting Heads of State, and making state visits overseas to other countries, in support of diplomatic and economic relations and fulfilling a host of other duties which never stop 365 days a year..


Get rid of the queen and we will live in the land of milk and honey, and equality for all.

Where will you be at 88?
OOh yeah in a care home hobbling about on a zimmer frame (if your lucky) at the tax payers expense moaning about the monarchy because you spent half your life moaning on an internet forum and going on protest marches instead of putting your head down and actually working to ease the burden on the taxpayer.

Your quite wrong there Norcon.. By the sound of Ellal's bleatings, he'll be quite content to move to Rotherham,Rochdale, Oxford or Derby, and remain quite active in the community. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Where will you be at 88?
OOh yeah in a care home hobbling about on a zimmer frame (if your lucky) at the tax payers expense moaning about the monarchy because you spent half your life moaning on an internet forum and going on protest marches instead of putting your head down and actually working to ease the burden on the taxpayer.

Your quite wrong there Norcon.. By the sound of Ellal's bleatings, he'll be quite content to move to Rotherham,Rochdale, Oxford or Derby, and remain quite active in the community. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Or Bradford, Birmingham or Leicester.
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Never, ever forget the pounding...
Just a reminder :-
...15 April 1961
England 9–3 Scotland
Jimmy Greaves 3, Bobby Smith 2, Johnny Haynes 2,
Bryan Douglas, Bobby Robson...
Another complete annihlation.

The finale could be due - The Jocks may well bury themselves.

Much prefer to remember 15TH April 67

When baxter sat on the ball and played keepie up with the ball whilst the so called world champions( through cheating linesman) ran about like headless chicken and got hammered
How thick are the Labour Party?

they want Scotland to vote 'NO' so they send Big fat two jags prezzer and Ed 'Snortington' Millipede. If anything is going to make Scots vote Yes, it's those two idiots.
How thick are the scots sepradists?
They want independence from the UK and have shown themselves as out and out racists against the English in the past few weeks and then brand ukip as racist for wanting independence from the eu.

You couldn't make it up.
How thick are the scots sepradists?
They want independence from the UK and have shown themselves as out and out racists against the English in the past few weeks and then brand ukip as racist for wanting independence from the eu.

You couldn't make it up.

Where are you seeing all this out and out racist anti English people please?
All I see is anti scot racism, taken with a pinch of salt.

Please show me.

Constructive as ever.... :rolleyes:
And yet you won't answer why your queen apparently deserves 'respect'...

Funny how you are obtuse as ever ;)

It's not about scraping to the current monarch. It's about recognising that this country is the sum of it's parts - and the monarchy is an important one of those parts. A part that has stood the test of time and made this country what it is today. A county that you and your fellow invaders are queueing up to get into - desperate to get away from their own hopeless, anarchic dust bowls.

But then, all you see is someone who talks posh and has more money than you. You can't handle that, and wish to bring them down to your level and teach them some kind of 'lesson'. Sad really. Somehow, the swarthy, alien hordes have to be kept from ****eing in their own, adopted nest.
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