Soviet Invasion

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I know somebody who had to flee from Prague due to the Soviet invasion. His father had a substantial construction business, but they just left everything and fled whilst they could.

They went to Sweden, then to America, then Brighton.

Czech republic joined EU 2004
I met a girl while traveling who escaped Russia in the back of a lorry with her family. They settled in Canada.

She worked in Japan translating Russian for the Japanese. Her English was perfect too
Beautiful intelligent lovely girl Unfortunately she liked my Canadian mate more than me.
Czech republic joined EU 2004
A wise move...

1st of May I seem to recall.

A different country of course is choosing to leave - a few days before 'April's fools' :)
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Yes, all Putin needs is a friendly communist/terrorist loving sympathiser in power of a key western power and he can fulfil his dream.
I guess him being fairly open about regretting the breakup of the USSR. its widely reported that he's said this and holds this view.
When the Berlin Wall opened, he is reported to have regretted the "weakness" of soviet and DDR leaders, because tanks and machine guns were not used to drive back the East Berliner crowds to prevent the reunification of Germany.
Probably a nation thats gets back more than it pays.......
So tell us again how the 'sick man of Europe' became such a 'powerhouse' (a world leader according to quitters), whilst being in the EU?

Oh that's right - a country that at one time got back more than it paid in...

But as a country gets richer then it should contribute more to help out the poorer countries, because not only is it morally right it makes economic sense.
(in case that confuses you, give a country a boost and they become richer too - thus you can sell more to them thus benefitting your own economy)

A bit like how the tax system should work in theory, however the better off always complain about that too - funny thing that!
But as a country gets richer then it should contribute more to help out the poorer countries, because not only is it morally right it makes economic sense.

This is more of a political view than a moral one. From an economic view, such a model taken to conclusion, would stifle wealth creation and innovation. e.g. why should I bother, I'll only have to give it away vs why should I bother, I'll get a hand out.
This is more of a political view than a moral one. From an economic view, such a model taken to conclusion, would stifle wealth creation and innovation. e.g. why should I bother, I'll only have to give it away vs why should I bother, I'll get a hand out.
Most of our politicians of course have no morals!

But we became a 'powerhouse' because of an overall 'political'/economic view in the EU.

So are you suggesting that we would have done better without being given the EU 'handouts' in the first place?

And do you believe that the ills of this country are the fault of the EU, rather than domestic policies?
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