
yes it is, but that's not what the current strike is about. It's common sense for the unions to stagger strikes to maximise the effect.
Teachers are talking about action as well.


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yes it is, but that's not what the current strike is about. It's common sense for the unions to stagger strikes to maximise the effect.
Teachers are talking about action as well.
But staggered action (within a profession or different professions) means that the government is in a position to deploy the usual 'divide and rule' tactics...

Ideally there would be no strikes, and some of the union demands to date are ridiculous...

However the best way to get a more equal deal for the many not the few is to have a brief general strike!
I'm not sure what my views are on a UK were strikes would be illegal, which seems to be what some are calling for. Hard fought freedoms and all that, and we want to give them away? No doubt people better versed on socioeconomics could tell me why, in their view, a UK devoid of strikes would be better for all. I suspect it would simply quicken a (pay and conditions) race to the bottom, where the rich keep getting richer and the poor ...

We're a funny bunch us humans, as I've stated before. Our views, understandably, are often heavily predicated on our own circumstances and what side of the fence we're on. Some that call for this type of strike to be illegal would most likely be saying the exact opposite if they worked on the railways.

I myself would no doubt be up in arms if I usually did a train commute and couldn't easily WFH.

Strikes are sometimes effective, sometime disastrous. However I assert we wish for their demise at our peril.
Aww bless

The forum troll keeps repeating itself, but just can't come to terms with the fact that it was it's vote that helped deny my choice and the choice of millions of others...
You’re not the Pope so stop 'blessing' people. As to my vote denying you a choice that’s all cobblers. According to you, it was my vote that made up your mind to leave.

Oh, and don’t forget this: "After this post I will be deleting my account". That was in 2019. Why didn’t you?
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In unrelated news, pensioners are promised a handsome increase.

One bloke on BBC thinks pensioners will be ok. Inflation protected pensions so if 10% that is what they will get.
People moan about the increase in pensions, but the fact is they (most likely) will benefit from these increases. Or do those that protest about state pension increases intend not to claim it?. I've paid in and when I'm 67 I hope to claim it in full.
That lynch bloke wants a better deal for his members
Job security
T and Cs

That’s his job
That’s why he was elected

Push comes to shove they go on strike and are in a position to cause chaos

If they did not have that power there would be no point in having a

So best advised all concerned come to some deal over beer and sandwiches ???
This time last year, many strikers and potential strikers were sitting at home drawing furlough wages .....paid by the taxpayer, whilst their businesses were shutting down due to Covid. Now showing their gratitude by demanding more, more, more :(
This time last year, many strikers and potential strikers were sitting at home drawing furlough wages .....paid by the taxpayer, whilst their businesses were shutting down due to Covid. Now showing their gratitude by demanding more, more, more :(
The tfl workers were paid 100% furlough, and had their pension payments paid as well.
You’re not the Pope so stop 'blessing' people. As to my vote denying you a choice that’s all cobblers. According to you, it was my vote that made up your mind to leave.
blah blah blah...

Did you vote for restricting freedom of movement?

Yes or no?

Did you take any notice of subsequent events?

Yes or no?

Even you as the forum troll can answer those ones!
Talk of making it possible for agency workers to cover for those on strike.
Where are they going to find suitably skilled agency workers to fill the jobs?

Would you fancy risking your life on a train staffed by untrained minimum wage monkeys?

Similarly in the NHS or any other occupation...

I recall the words of a firefighter I know who when the Green Goddesses were called in to 'strike break', the reaction was 'the troops would do better if they p*ssed on a fire to put it out'!
I reckon I could drive a train

Just need a weeks training at best

Like most things the
Pencil pushers / paper shufflers get involved an over complicate things IMO

Dunno what all the fuss is about

Driving a bus Would be harder than a train
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