The Mother Of All Thumpings

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Israeli spokesman says proudly that they are going to give Hamas "the Mother of all Thumpings."

And America were previously telling them they couldn't carry on at the same level.
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Israeli spokesman says proudly that they are going to give Hamas "the Mother of all Thumpings."

And America were previously telling them they couldn't carry on at the same level.

I thought I heard that Hamas leaders were in a fancy hotel in Dubai

the question is: however much Israel bomb da f**k out of Gaza / West Bank, would it ever eliminate Hamas, I think not and in fact it would lead to a whole new generation of terrorists hating Israel.

What are the real intentions of the Israeli govt; do they truly believe they can eliminate Hamas, or are they really seizing this opportunity to diminish Palestinians And their land.

Lets hope Israel gets a more caring government sooner rather than later.
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I do think so. I do not think the general populace deserves mass killings via air and artillery strikes. Especially in the area they were told to become refugees in.

"Hamas" read "Poor ****ers trying to eak out an existence in a ****hole"
The FT reports Israel is prepared for a 'year long war' in Gaza. If that's the case then there'll be f. all left and they can have a buffer zone full of ghosts. Will be an excercise in double-speak listening to the UK and US justify that.
If only they hadn't raided their neighbour killed over a 1000 innocent people barbarically, including children and babies, taken civilian hostages etc. etc. then nobody would support Isreal.
If only the Zionists weren't intent on Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians from the region...
If only the Islamists weren't intent on Ethnically Cleansing jews from the region...
If only the Jews had been reasonable when they entered Palestine.
If only they hadn't raided their neighbour killed over a 1000 innocent people barbarically, including children and babies, taken civilian hostages etc. etc. then nobody would support Isreal.

You see that these apologists for Hamas don't get this is a war.

I don't like war, innocent helpless people die.

Israels war isn't over until they eradicate the people who restarted this conflict.
You see that these apologists for Hamas don't get this is a war.

I don't like war, innocent helpless people die.

Israels war isn't over until they eradicate the people who restarted this conflict.

And tell the Palestinians to be content with their lot and go back to await demolition of their homes?
Great idea, Bod.(y)
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