This looks set to escalate.

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"it depends?"

Show me the words you think you are quoting.
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watch the interview for yourself..

Hate speech allowed, so long as it doesn't cross the line into conduct and it's not about black people. If you speak racism against black people, then you'll get kicked out, if it's Jews - free speech. Sounds a bit like your view of a racist?

watch the interview for yourself..

Hate speech allowed, so long as it doesn't cross the line into conduct and it's not about black people. If you speak racism against black people, then you'll get kicked out, if it's Jews - free speech. Sounds a bit like your view of a racist?

Anti-Semitic speech is not tolerated at any level of society.
The Tories killed Corbyn with that sort of nonsense.
What he actually tried to do was listen to the other sides point of view. You know, making peace with your enemies, that sort of thing; otherwise you're just preaching to the choir.
watch the interview for yourself..

Hate speech allowed, so long as it doesn't cross the line into conduct and it's not about black people. If you speak racism against black people, then you'll get kicked out, if it's Jews - free speech. Sounds a bit like your view of a racist?

That's interesting.

The questioner defines "intifada" as genocide of Jews.

What word does she prefer for an uprising of a community penned into a ghetto by force?

Was the Warsaw Rising genocide of Germans?

The questioner also says that "Palestine will be free" means genocide of Jews.
I suppose in her mind that would justify locking them up in an open-air prison.

Here's another question you won't answer.

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You only have to watch the first 3 or 4 minutes., particularly around 1m 40s. "when speech crosses in to conduct".

Do you think hate speeches that would be criminal offences in the UK, should be accepted free speech in Harvard? She does.
The American State Department had to issue a hasty statement saying they were not going to support calls from extremists in the Israeli War Cabinet to force Palestinians out of Gaza into camps in the Sinai.
I haven't heard the hate speeches you mention. How do they compare to hate speeches by Zionists?
It was a simple question, but I see you don't want to answer it.

Are we to conclude that you don't mind a bit of racism as long as it's against Jews? You see how failure to answer a simple yes/no question can lead people to believe you are only against certain types of racism, but are happy to call it free speech when it's against jews.

Surely that is not your view? Is it? yes/no?
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What a strange question.

Surely it is just as bad as zionists who call for extermination of Palestinians.

So both should be violations of university rules.

I wonder if they are?

Why was some one running the university calling or excusing that ??

If so sack them as well ???

No exceptions
She's thick as shịt. I wouldn't be surprised if she voted Brexit!

Don’t think she is a UK citizen so she would not have been able to vote in the referendum

Imo any UK national who was living abroad that actually voted brexit was thicker than s***

Although it may depend on context ???
Looks like Israel has got what wants.

The Americans, instead of telling the Israelis to get out of Gaza and allow a UN peacekeeping force to take control, have decided to escalate the situation by threatening to attack other countries in the region.
This isn't going to end well for America or Europe.
They are increasingly living in Western centric bubble, where they believe they only have to send a gunboat and bomb the locals and everything will be sorted.
The British pulled out of Palestine because they knew it was a no win situation, unfortunately due the the influence of these so called Pro Israel lobby in domestic politics, its looks like the UK is going to be sucked into another middle east conflict that is not in its own national interest.
Isreal / mossad have been bumping people off in other countries for years

Def since the Munich olympics

They have bumped a few off in Iran in the past

The Lebanese government don’t actually run Lebanon

Hezbollah / Iran do

There will and always has been a reckoning on the horizon with Iran and it’s militia
Sooner or later it’s going to happen

Tis the way it will be ;)

Best get one’s affairs in order or make a will some of us will survive ???

Would prefer to get my car finished before the Big Bang happens
Looks like Israel has got what wants.

The Americans, instead of telling the Israelis to get out of Gaza and allow a UN peacekeeping force to take control, have decided to escalate the situation by threatening to attack other countries in the region.
This isn't going to end well for America or Europe.
They are increasingly living in Western centric bubble, where they believe they only have to send a gunboat and bomb the locals and everything will be sorted.
The British pulled out of Palestine because they knew it was a no win situation, unfortunately due the the influence of these so called Pro Israel lobby in domestic politics, its looks like the UK is going to be sucked into another middle east conflict that is not in its own national interest.
So its nothing to do with protecting international shipping from being pirated and attacked.

Must be a different situation.
Set up a lynching.

I wonder how many times motorbiking has complained about allegations of academic plagiarism in the past?

Is it... none?
She's a black woman.
Two reasons for motorbiking to take a dislike to her.
And we've seen very recently how motorbiking invents stuff, like helicoptors. :rolleyes:
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