Universal Credit is madness

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That is the bit i fundamentally disagree with. The state should support those who need support, not those who could support themselves but chose not to.
Whilst I agree with you in principle it's becoming more or more evident that this is simply impractical -it's just too complicated to have to assess who needs support (which is in itself subjective in many ways, and ephemeral). Ultimately it is likely to be less costly and less divisive simply to give everyone a universal income, regardless. The feckless will still remain at the bottom of the socioeconomic pile where they belong, but without others having to join them inadvertantly through state incompetence or political whim.
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Why should the state support you while you're between jobs if leaving your job was your choice?

Do you assume that it does?

Perhaps you should check the eligibility rules.
Do you assume that it does?

Perhaps you should check the eligibility rules.
I don't assume that it does. My comments were in respect to another post that suggested the state should support anyone.
Money tree.

"Liam Fox has been challenged over the Government's £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist Party after he was asked if the money had come from a "magic money tree".

The International Trade Secretary was quizzed on the BBC’s Question Time last night by the presenter Jonathan Dimbleby.

Speaking on the same programme ahead of the election, Theresa May insisted "there isn't a magic money tree that we can shake".


Theresa May’s £1 billion deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has prompted incredulity that the prime minister has conveniently found a “magic money tree” to prop up her minority government.

May met with DUP leader Arlene Foster this morning to finalise the pact, agreeing to spend an extra £1 billion on Northern Ireland over the next two years while also offering “new flexibilities” for £500 million of previously committed funding.


"Posted By: David Marrs June 28, 2017
Ecologists are baffled after a pecunia arbor (commonly known as a ‘money tree’) has been found blossoming in Northern Ireland.

The money tree was thought to have gone extinct in 2010, another victim of political climate change. Yet one has been found in Northern Ireland seven years later.

‘We are absolutely baffled by this. All our records and reports indicated that the money tree had gone extinct. This is the biggest ecological find since we found Bill Oddie living in a badger set back in 2015,’ said Eddie Founder, a keen botanist.

The money tree found in Northern Ireland is thought to contain as much as £1.5 BILLION which will be spent on much needed improvements to infrastructure and public funding.

And now people all over across Scotland, Wales and England are hoping that the money tree makes a return to their countries too.

‘That would be magic,’
said one."
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You're thinking of Kensington.

A few million to subsidise an Opera festival while cutting back on the cladding for Grenfell.
Money tree.

"Liam Fox has been challenged over the Government's £1bn deal with the Democratic Unionist Party after he was asked if the money had come from a "magic money tree".

The International Trade Secretary was quizzed on the BBC’s Question Time last night by the presenter Jonathan Dimbleby.

Speaking on the same programme ahead of the election, Theresa May insisted "there isn't a magic money tree that we can shake".


Theresa May’s £1 billion deal with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has prompted incredulity that the prime minister has conveniently found a “magic money tree” to prop up her minority government.

May met with DUP leader Arlene Foster this morning to finalise the pact, agreeing to spend an extra £1 billion on Northern Ireland over the next two years while also offering “new flexibilities” for £500 million of previously committed funding.


"Posted By: David Marrs June 28, 2017
Ecologists are baffled after a pecunia arbor (commonly known as a ‘money tree’) has been found blossoming in Northern Ireland.

The money tree was thought to have gone extinct in 2010, another victim of political climate change. Yet one has been found in Northern Ireland seven years later.

‘We are absolutely baffled by this. All our records and reports indicated that the money tree had gone extinct. This is the biggest ecological find since we found Bill Oddie living in a badger set back in 2015,’ said Eddie Founder, a keen botanist.

The money tree found in Northern Ireland is thought to contain as much as £1.5 BILLION which will be spent on much needed improvements to infrastructure and public funding.

And now people all over across Scotland, Wales and England are hoping that the money tree makes a return to their countries too.

‘That would be magic,’
said one."
You seem to have a chip on your shoulder about N.Ireland ,why don't you have a look and see how much money Scotland and other parts of the UK have got outside the Barnett formula.


I resent a politician using a billion of the citizens money to buy the votes necessary to prop up her unpopular minority government.

I am far from alone in this view.
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