what can and cant be said against a religion

Slogger, what you fail to understand is that you cannot ban a way of life. Equally, if you Ban Islam, then you must also ban all other religions, now personally I have no probalem with this per se, but surely the freedoms we fight for allow us to follwo whatever religious path takes our fancy, so long as we do it within the law.

Now the Terrorists do not do it within the law, but the bulk of muslims do, so there would be a serious conflict, legally speaking, in attempting to ban one or all religions. It simply is not doable.
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nah this is ENGLAND we dont want it here anymore we are a simple race when is comes down to it

there is no other way as far as i can see what with there hidden agendas n all i think the sooner we have a major confict ( civil unrest ) the better

and what is the we bit ?? muslims are just that muslims they dont see themselves as british there religion comes first ??

how about we have a patriot act while we are at it swear allegiance to ENGLAND
Slogger -

Why not find an expression that meets your sentiment in the Bible and the Koran. Quote these and who can criticise you without criticising those publications?

For example "Allah's curse is on the unbelievers" (Koran 2.89)
"Blessed are the dead" (Bible Revelations 14.13)
Slogger said:
nah this is ENGLAND we dont want it here anymore we are a simple race when is comes down to it

there is no other way as far as i can see what with there hidden agendas n all i think the sooner we have a major confict ( civil unrest ) the better

and what is the we bit ?? muslims are just that muslims they dont see themselves as british there religion comes first ??
how about we have a patriot act while we are at it swear allegiance to ENGLAND
that comment shows total lack of understanding about muslims, most are proud to call themselves british but they still have their culture and religion which they wish to keep, you can be british and still retain your roots.
You are confusing a Nationality as a culture.
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kendor said:
you can be british and still retain your roots.

The Scots are british and they have retained their roots for 300 years.

They don't run around England in kilts blowing bagpipes and eating haggis though.
Stoday said:
They don't run around England in kilts blowing bagpipes and eating haggis though.

But they don't run around Scotland doing that either!

nah this is ENGLAND we dont want it here anymore we are a simple race when is comes down to it

How can we be a simple race when we are multi-racial? Which race is it that's simple, or is it just some of the individuals that are simple?
Stoday said

"For example "Allah's curse is on the unbelievers" (Koran 2.89)".

But if you say that out of context it will be misinterpreted!

Other parts of the Koran include Christians and Jews as "believers", or people "of the Book".
listen to what i say ok **** allah and his evil followers

i have no time for anyone following this religion in my country MY country

as for keeping there roots ? wtf is that about you cant be 2 things not when the **** hits the fan time to make a choice

make this land safe again get rid of the mosks ( training camps/brain washing ) if muslims want to stay here they should pledge allegiance to ENGLAND and swear ENGLAND comes first if not them they are not to be trusted

would you trust anyone that would put a religion that hates us first ? not me

never have been pc never will be i say what i see is the truth i dont hide behind any educated masks i live on the streets i see and hear what is said and some of the things being said are not looking good for islam

2 more incidents like this and i can see them going up in flames
Slogger said:
listen to what i say ok **** allah and his evil followers

i have no time for anyone following this religion in my country MY country..............

never have been pc never will be i say what i see is the truth .........

It is not exclusively YOUR country, even if it "belongs" to only a small proportion of the population (say 25%) that still means more than 10 million other people. Have you asked them what they think?

You say what you see is the truth, your truth. There are other truths as well, but you attack any one who doesn't agree with you.
Slogger said:
i have no time for anyone following this religion in my country MY country

Perhaps you should find a new country, I have no problem with muslims in my country (England, GB, UK), neither do the vast majority of we English and British.

As to race, well. I'm part Celt, part Angle and part Saxon. That's at least 3 ethnic groups I can defintely consign myself to, but it's almost certain that there are at least another 2 or 3 thrown in there. Perhaps Viking, perhaps Norman.

I agree that a pledge of allegiance would be nice. Even if you don't agree with the government or its policies, you can still agree that you love your country.

i live on the streets i see and hear what is said

If you live on the streets as opposed to in a dwelling, you are probably not a property owner and almost certainly not a voter. So your opinion really doesn't matter now, does it?
AdamW said:
If you live on the streets as opposed to in a dwelling, you are probably not a property owner and almost certainly not a voter. So your opinion really doesn't matter now, does it?

Do you think he has to lick it clean with his tongue, does he dream of living in a cardboard box?
(Sorry, I really shouldn't start all that again.)
Stoday said:
kendor said:
you can be british and still retain your roots.

The Scots are british and they have retained their roots for 300 years.

They don't run around England in kilts blowing bagpipes and eating haggis though.
I'm obviously going to the wrong parties then :oops:
time to wake up people

magic roundabout finished a long time ago get off and wake up
What part of 'f*ck off, you are boring us' don't you understand?
whilst you are entitled to you opinion... as are the rest of us...

what you are doing is inciting hatred. be it racial/religious or any other.
just as you are not allowed to write' f^&k off 'on the side of your van without commiting a section 4 act you are also not allowed to write BAN (any religion)

12.7 Section 4A - Intentionally causing harassment, alarm or distress
A person is guilty if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he

a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or
b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting,

thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress
free speech is all well and good.. but what you are trying to provoke is a reaction.. and that you are
fyi please remember Christianity and Jewdaism originated in palestine and that area( not sure exactly)... therefore all christians follow a religion begun in a foriegn country.... that is just as bad a muslim? is it not?
also remember the christian crusades?.. they were 'terrorists' too...
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