Who is the real Dork

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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Deleted member 294929

I've mentioned this before, but at an early stage of my life I made an incredible amount of money which I invested wisely (against most professional advice) in property.

How I made that £money is something that I keep very close to my chest & there are still living members of my family who don't know or fully understand the whole story. For a very short period in the 1980's I was VERY famous, we were young & we were beautiful, we wore our hair long & our shirts were LOUD.

If you've ever been there you would probably understand why I shunned the "fame" side of the business & retreated into the background.

First & foremost I am a poet & then I am a musician, I seem to have a talent for putting how I feel into words & then laying that down with a soundtrack. I have many haters here & please feel free to enjoy all the quotes I gift to you, but please accept that I probably wrote the words to your first dance at your wedding, you have almost certainly seduced a partner with me playing in background, & then there's the song that folk just cannot resist tapping their feet, to the beat.

Everyone in my village knows who I am & nobody seems to care. This is how I like it.

So, today I was sat in t'pub talking ****** with the usual Sunday lunch crowd when in walks a stranger who immediately double takes after clocking my phizzhogg & mentally computes the difference between how I look today to how I looked back in the 80's.

Her : "You used to be xxxxx.xxxxx".

Me : "Used to be???"

Her : "It's you innit, I used to have your poster on my bedroom wall"

Who is the Dork.

I don't know but I'm Guessing he's still alive.
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I hope so, otherwise you've been talking to a ghost.
He's an he.

He considers himself more into music than a poet. But can string words together in words or song.
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