Why are so many pubs closing?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
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A pint of Worthington in Wetherspoons in Cardiff city centre is £2.34. The only three other 'cheap' pubs in the area charge £2.50. £2.90 and £3. It's no wonder the 'spoons is always busy.
ours is £2.09 for worthingtons
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My life is pants,

I spend about a grand a month in the pub- that equates to 5 to 7 pints a day

During the covid lockdowns, I went from £1k per month to a fiver a day.

It gets me through the day...
Mate went to doctors because he was ****ting blood etc . Doctor said how many units of alcohol a week do you drink
Eh about 80
doctor ...you drink 40 pints a week really
mate ... oh is a unit half pint in that case its 160 .
Couple of weeks later mate standing drinking pint of bitter , I says to him wtf you up to he told you to stay off it , Mate replied no he didnt he said keep off the lager :)
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I have spent many a week in hospital.

On one occasion, I was opposite a guy who was brought in late one night. He was very aggressive. He kept ringing the police to say he was being held against his will. Eventually, they turned up in the ward. The nurse had to speak to them to explain he had been admitted as an in-patient due to multiple strokes.

Apparently, he was 27 and a really heavy drinker. One night in the pub, he just collapsed.

His mates thought he was messing about at first, then they thought he was drunk. A few hours later, he was taken to hospital.
I have spent many a week in hospital.

On one occasion, I was opposite a guy who was brought in late one night. He was very aggressive. He kept ringing the police to say he was being held against his will. Eventually, they turned up in the ward. The nurse had to speak to them to explain he had been admitted as an in-patient due to multiple strokes.

Apparently, he was 27 and a really heavy drinker. One night in the pub, he just collapsed.

His mates thought he was messing about at first, then they thought he was drunk. A few hours later, he was taken to hospital.

The last two times that I had to stay in hospital (covid and then pneumonia) they always insist on giving me IV vitamins and tablets to deal with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. On both occasions I have politely explained that I have just spent a week or more in bed with a fever and suffered no withdrawal symptoms. Nevertheless they insist on the tablets- which I decline to take. The IV vitamins, I have no problem with those.

I am always honest when they ask me about my alcohol consumption (I don't see the point in lying), I suspect that they assume that regular drinkers massively under report the amount that they consume.
Alcohol is too cheap in the supermarkets. If they made it cheap in the pubs and expensive in the supermarkets you would get so many more people venturing out. Enjoying themselves in a controlled environment. Many might even have a meal while out, creating more jobs for chefs, waiting staff etc
Mr T should be thanking you for all that tax he pays then.

In my very early 20's I used to do cash work. Yeah, it was wrong- full stop.

However most of income was spent on beer and fags.

In an attempt to justify my illegality, I once calculated that I was, through the higher taxes charged on each of the items, paying more in taxes than the average person. I was however aware that someone else spending similar amounts on those products could buy less than me because they were paying taxes on their wages...
How many putting stuff up their snouts is dettering people going out.
When football fans of old went on the pixs they'd be asleep after a skinful, nowadays they're on a mixture of the two and off their head.
No mention of how much the demographics of the country have changed, not much point opening or keeping a pub in multi cultural areas.
Same as lower football league teams don't command the spectators of old.
How many putting stuff up their snouts is dettering people going out.

It's normalised now.

On R5L this morning, was a phone-in about people grassing people up, by submitting dashcam footage.

One bloke was on there, telling of the stuff he'd seen drivers doing.

Being f3llated.
Women doing their make-up.
Women putting their rollers in.
Snorting the ol' marching powder.
Making a bowl of Weetabix (inc. pouring the milk!) before eating it.

I shouldn't laugh, but :ROFLMAO:
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