Doctor Who

7 Jul 2010
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I didn't watch it - it's not the same since William Hartnell left - but I see the BBC found it necessary, in these days of politically correct diversity appeasement, to include as one of the Doctor's new companions an elderly white male comedian, singer, television presenter and former professional footballer.

Is it true that Idris Elba is to play Florence Nightingale?
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Nothing is sacred anymore, the Time Lord is now a Time Lady.
Who is the next target for a Politically correct makeover.
James Bond escaped Blofeld and co but he won't escape the politically correct revionsists ,there is talk of James Bond becoming Jane Bond she will also have to be black with a disability just to make sure that all the right boxes are ticked
Nothing is sacred anymore, the Time Lord is now a Time Lady.
Who is the next target for a Politically correct makeover.
James Bond escaped Blofeld and co but he won't escape the politically correct revionsists ,there is talk of James Bond becoming Jane Bond she will also have to be black with a disability just to make sure that all the right boxes are ticked
You forgot lesbian.
If you're going to go for it, may as well go the whole hog.
Nobody seemed bothered when the master was a woman.
I watched it, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't see what the problem is.
Can't see what the problem is.

It's drama. It's not real. Does it matter?

If you don't like it, agree with it or think its too left/right wing or sexually biased (is there anything sexual about it?), then just don't watch it.

Exercise your self and turn over, or off. Or go and find something to do?
He said "I watched it, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't see what the problem is."

Then you say

It's drama. It's not real. Does it matter?

If you don't like it, agree with it or think its too left/right wing or sexually biased (is there anything sexual about it?), then just don't watch it.

Exercise your self and turn over, or off. Or go and find something to do?

Can't see why you reacted like that. Was it just to start a row? Genuine question.
He said "I watched it, thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't see what the problem is."

Then you say

Can't see why you reacted like that. Was it just to start a row? Genuine question.

It wasn't at jonbey, it was all the others who are making arguments over a drama !

I was highlighting the "can't see what the problem" line

Jonbey spoke sense, as he normally does
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