Wales kills goose, demands golden eggs

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"More than three-quarters of people in Wales have stated they would not be willing to lose any money at all in order for the UK to leave the European Union.

The figures were released today as part of a poll commissioned by Wales For Europe and carried out by YouGov.

They claim that the average family is already paying £11 a month more in food prices alone than at the start of the year, as a result of the fall in the pound’s worth since the Brexit vote.

The poll published today shows that 76% of respondents would not be willing to lose a penny as a result of Brexit.

Among respondents who voted Leave in the 2016 referendum, 55% were unwilling to forgo any money (including income, taxes and prices)."
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they seem to be getting anxious now...

"They don’t know what they’re doing’: Leave-voting Swansea turns on Brexit

New data suggests voters in the city, an anti-EU bastion in 2016, now back Remain. We ask why

Butcher Peter Mills, who voted Leave, says many people would vote differently given another chance. “I think the country would vote Remain now. Everybody is fed up – it’s gone on and on,” he says from behind his meat chiller. “I know a lot of money is coming from the EU, but whether we will have the money from Whitehall when we go out is another thing.”

One of his customers, Mal Guard, who also voted Leave, says he wouldn’t vote again. “I probably wouldn’t bother because the government doesn’t listen to Joe Bloggs in the street. They listen to their own cronies and that’s it,” he says."

"A new constituency-by-constituency model by data scientists at Focaldata, which uses new YouGov polling, has found that 14 Welsh constituencies swung from Leave to Remain this year, putting Wales firmly in the pro-EU camp."

"...But he believes Leavers are now switching sides as the reality of a Tory Brexit dawns on them. “Some of the people who voted as a protest have flipped. They think these posh idiots are leading us to disaster in a charge of the light brigade.”"
"Wales and Cornwall hardest hit as UK loses out on £11.4bn in EU regional funding after Brexit"

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So a poll asked every single person of voting age in Wales this question and came up with the "fact?????" that three quarters of the Welsh population would be reluctant to leave the EU. Good grief I sincerely hope the OP doesn't do anything important in his life.