No Employees, Trading history? Here's a £25m PPE Contract

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
I sincerely hope this is not another Ferry contract without actually having any boats or a a £100m PPE contract with a company with £18k assets which is now being challenged.

Design company Luxe Lifestyle Ltd was awarded a £25 million contract on 27 April to supply garments for biological or chemical protection to the NHS. According to Companies House, the business was incorporated by fashion designer Karen Brost in November 2018. However, it appears to have no employees, no assets and no turnover.

Additional research into the company’s background using business information provider Endole revealed no evidence that the company has actually done any trading at all. It is not clear how a business with no experience in the sector is able to meet its contractual requirements to provide 1.2 million gowns and 10 million FFP2/KN95 masks to the NHS during a national crisis.
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How much was delivered? How much was she paid?
It all depends what target for delivery was agreed. If delivery is within weeks, then a lack of any infrastructure would make it implausible. But if delivery is in several months it offers the vendor sufficient time to establish a manufacturing base. At the end of the day it is only sewing a few garments and not particularly high skilled or dependant on intricate and expensive machinery.
Some people would call it entrepreneurship.
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Or perhaps they will just buy from China at 50p a dozen and sell to the UK government for a pound each.
Follow the money

these contracts need investigating, you can bet yer boots they lead back to a benefit to somebody either in the Tory party of connected with it.

but hey Robert Jenrick is still a minister, the Russian report still hasn't been released..........
The Government spent a cool quarter of a billion quid buying facemasks from a rather interesting outfit called Ayanda Capital Limited (again it was apparently the only tenderer).

and there is a Tory connection:

Andrew Mills: senior board advisor to Ayanda capital
Andrew Mills: advisor to Department of trade (Liz Truss).

connection between Ayanda and a man called Andrew Mills who, although not an officer of the company, is nevertheless a senior board adviser according to his Linked-in profile. He also claims to be an adviser to the Department of Trade, where Liz Truss is the secretary of state and a member of the cabinet.

It all depends what target for delivery was agreed. If delivery is within weeks, then a lack of any infrastructure would make it implausible. But if delivery is in several months it offers the vendor sufficient time to establish a manufacturing base. At the end of the day it is only sewing a few garments and not particularly high skilled or dependant on intricate and expensive machinery.
Some people would call it entrepreneurship.

So why pick someone without any experience of that? Do you pick the tradesman with zero experience or the one with a decade plus?
and there is a Tory connection:

Andrew Mills: senior board advisor to Ayanda capital
Andrew Mills: advisor to Department of trade (Liz Truss)

and if Corbyn was PM ?

there is a Labour connection:

Fred the red Barnes : senior shop steward at Widgets Ltd
Bert Bloogs : advisor to the Trade Unions Financial Affairs Office.

( names are fictitious )
At the end of the day it is only sewing a few garments and not particularly high skilled or dependant on intricate and expensive machinery.
Ah, so it's unskilled labour and basic machinery that even a third world country could provide?

In that case the 6th biggest economy in the world has failed dismally!

Some people would call it entrepreneurship.
Others might call it capitalism at it's exploitative and corrupt worst.

Profit before people!

It's like that wherever the products are made.
No, it's how a product comes to be made.

And not by working out which crony gets to trouser money when vital supplies are needed in a hurry.

The UK has privatised and outsourced more of it's operational areas and assets than virtually any other country in the world.

And as such 'in house' expertise has been lost, and thus the private sector is nearly always turned to instead of the UK having the ability to get vital supplies and procedures up and running quickly.

Care to tell us when we'll be getting that 'world beating' tracing app? The one that the contract was handed to a private company with no thought of using one that was already working elsewhere?
And of course a different private company has been hired to 'look into' why the original private company couldn't get it to work.

So how many lives have been needlessly lost with all the delays?

As I said, profit before people!
and if Corbyn was PM ?

there is a Labour connection:

Fred the red Barnes : senior shop steward at Widgets Ltd
Bert Bloogs : advisor to the Trade Unions Financial Affairs Office.

( names are fictitious )

So your argument is based on something you just made up.

Why do you keep defending those in power when they make poor decisions?
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