
14 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Is the booing of players taking the knee for BLM racist?
I would argue that booing a political movement is not racist, but booing players who support an anti racist sentiment is.
An easy argument for any defence lawyer as no doubt the football authorities will be under pressure to punish the club and individual 'offenders'.
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No everyone entitled to their own opinion.

The players can do as they wish, but the crowd doesn't have to agree with them and can vent this disagreement if they so wish.

Just because people don't agree with BLM it doesn't mean they are racist.
Politics should be kept out of sport.
Footballers are paid lots money to play football.
Why should they be allowed to use their employers resources to engage in activity which has nothing to do with football.
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Millwall is Millwall...

They've always had a racist element, and being let back into a football ground just allows the knuckle draggers to display their natural tendencies (n)
I don’t know what others think, but this 'taking the knee' malarkey has well run its course. The point has been made now they should stop the gesture and do something about it. Do you honestly think that ALL players and officials in the pitch agree with the BLM political movement? No, neither do I but they are coerced into doing it. It’s getting a bit like the Nazi salute.
I thought it rather amusing that after a black died under the knee of a policeman that policemen now kneel down in apparent support of BLM. A movement which, by it's very title, would appear to be discriminatory in the same way as something like the Black Police Officers Association. In the lala land of pc dogma it seems you can actually make it up!

[Cue righteous indignation from the various, assorted lefty nut jobs]
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Is it possible to object to BLM or campaigns against police brutality for other reasons than being racist arseholes? Yes.

Is it likely Millwall fans are doing it for those reasons? It seems like a stretch.

But it's cute that people are standing up for the Millwall fans, after all in their own words:

No one likes us, we don't care
would appear to be discriminatory in the same way

No it is not.

Black lives matter is not discriminatory.

It is saying black lives matter too.

If you want to draw the inference that the term "Black lives matter" means that white lives don't matter, that is your inherent bias leading you to that conclusion
I don’t know what others think, but this 'taking the knee' malarkey has well run its course. The point has been made now they should stop the gesture and do something about it. Do you honestly think that ALL players and officials in the pitch agree with the BLM political movement? No, neither do I but they are coerced into doing it. It’s getting a bit like the Nazi salute.
So back to 'business as usual'.
And sweep it under the carpet...

You've made your views pretty clear on here, so no surprise there (n)
You've made your views pretty clear on here,
Oh, am I not allowed a view then or are we only allowed views that coincide with yours? Anyway, who put you in charge of views?
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Mmmm. What exactly have they done wrong - legally?

You are sentenced to six months for - booing. N.Korea, China, Russia anyone?
Mottie. Don't even waste time on the idiots. When there names ever appear on the "members online " list, I'll listen. Till then, they are bots.
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