Chernobyl design errors, is this true ?

3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
Channel 4 Documentary

Secret KGB files reveal the astonishing truth about the 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor in war-torn Ukraine, with leading experts and eyewitness accounts

Newly declassified evidence from KGB archives reveals the KGB had concerns about the safety of the Chernobyl nuclear plant even as it was being built
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Don't know when that was released but the reasons for the problem have been around for a long time. :) Now is a good time to bring them up again. 2 links first one on the type of reactor
Then on the disaster

The 3mile Island Accident is similar in some respects - you might say operator error but caught in time. Lack of containment figures in the Russian one. Corrected according to recent reports.
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I've managed some fairly large projects in the past & for any one of them I could pull out a number of memo's where someone is pointing out that "this is wrong" or "if you do that, this will happen".

No doubt, if/when it all goes south, the authors of those words of devine wisdom will stand up to claim the glory of "I was right, everyone else was wrong & not one of them listened to me".

I want £1 for everyone that was proven hopelessly wrong.

I'm not blowing smoke up anyones @r$e when I say that I was a go to choice to manage projects that had no precedents, I was often called on to head teams that had to accomplish the unknown where there was no defined rule book. Yes, we made mistakes, but I have yet to meet anyone with perfect 20/20 hindsight.

I've never built a nuclear power plant. There was a period in my 30's where I would've happily taken on such a monumental task, or at least be a part of it.

Show me such a humongous project as a nuclear power plant that has no faults, & has no 'memo's' pointing out what we're doing wrong.

Some folk do things, they achieve things, push the boundaries outside of the comfort zone of tried & tested.

Other folk write memo's, telling us "you don't want to do that, you want to do this".
I have single handedly built my own nuclear power plant in the 80s and still works perfectly...

More BS...

Must be the weather...
I have single handedly built my own nuclear power plant in the 80s and still works perfectly...

More BS...

Must be the weather...

Some folk do things, they achieve things, push the boundaries outside of the comfort zone of tried & tested.

Other folk write troll posts in the vain belief that any contact with a fellow human being qualifies as contact to satisfy their need to connect. Oblivious to the reasons why they need to connect, to fill the hole that only a troll post can fill.

Do yourself a favour & Google the word 'vacous'. Give some thought to having it tatooed on your forehead, it might make you slightly more interesting to your fellow human beings . . . .
There have been periods of our nuclear reactor is better than yours etc when choices were made more so early on.

;) Glad about this post as fancied a look around about them. I have wondered about commercial reactors and bombs. Some say no relationship but it turns out that indirectly there is. Also mention of use of thorium as more of it around than uranium but work abandoned some time ago. :eek: Also uranium out of the sea. Seems it would take a lot to upset the natural balance. I didn't understand the tonnage needed in relationship to kw out.
Some folk do things, they achieve things, push the boundaries outside of the comfort zone of tried & tested.

Other folk write troll posts in the vain belief that any contact with a fellow human being qualifies as contact to satisfy their need to connect. Oblivious to the reasons why they need to connect, to fill the hole that only a troll post can fill.

Do yourself a favour & Google the word 'vacous'. Give some thought to having it tatooed on your forehead, it might make you slightly more interesting to your fellow human beings . . . .
You're back!
Nice to see you again!
Let the show begin!
P.S.: I always wondered how you found the time to deal with us, common people, with all your mundane commitments, the properties to look after, yachts and jets to maintain, staff to deal with, etc., etc....
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