The tragedy of antivaxxer obsessives

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
In most of the world, antivaxxers are a fringe minority of no great importance.

In the USA, they have adopted their position as part of their world view, like supporting mass shootings in schools, voting for orange politicians, and attacking their own seat of government.

The correlation is statistically detectable. And so are the results


The rest of the world has pig-headed nutters, but not to the same extent.


"It would be easy to dismiss this trend as merely exasperating — an obstacle to progress on climate change and a source of irritation at extended family gatherings — but over the past 18 months, the politicisation of attitudes to science may have directly cost as many as 60,000 American lives.

This is the stark implication of a new study from the Yale school of public health, which found that since Covid vaccines became widely available in the US, the mortality rate of registered Republicans in Ohio and Florida climbed by 33 per cent during America’s winter Covid wave last year, compared with just a 10 per cent rise among Democrats."


Some might think this is an example of Darwinism in action.

"By May 2021, with all US adults eligible for vaccination, less than half of Republicans had taken up the offer, compared to 82 per cent of Democrats. Across the Atlantic, Britain put on a much more united front: Labour and Conservative voters alike turned up in droves, with 90 per cent of eligible adults inoculated."

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Jab junkie boll*x...

How many jabs have you had JohnD?
Fruit cakes

I been watching that Jones blokes trial brought by the families of the children who were murdered at a school shooting

This Jones fruit cake peddled around some conspiracy nonsense
That the parents were all stooges and actors Paid for by government in order to bring in gun laws

And apparently millions of other fruit cakes actually believed it

Tis all in breeding imo there all
****ed up
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At what a cost?
Can't really find a figure but of the order of a couple of billion worldwide . Not a lot compared with the cost of the illnesses, furlough etc.

Tenner ish per jab in the UK.
That's the spirit let's gloss over those who are now picking up the pieces, whose lives are in ruins due to the adverse effects the jab had on them.
Adverse effects of a horrible death from the disease are far worse.
That is the party line, sure you've seen how that's gone to rat **** over the years.
Hang on it happened in a matter of weeks present day.
Poor JD Haven't present day goings on today registered with you today?
Best strike up your bong again JD.
I'm in tomorrow morning for a chat, afternoons are taken over by sport.
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