The tragedy of antivaxxer obsessives

Those of us who have done the right thing and had the jab, are not the ones he will succeed in convincing - because it's too late anyway, you cannot get un-jabbed. That only leaves him trying to convince himself he has made the correct decision and an attempt to reaffirm his wrong decision is in fact the right decision.

These people are so unsure of their views, they need to constantly air their views and their faulty reasoning, for their own reassurance.
You havin a laff you don't expect to be taken seriously with that horsesh*t
Why am I unsure of my views you silly sod, if anything I thank my lucky stars I didn't have the jab when I see how it's all unfolding.
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All about testing the water from time to time to see whether anybodies opinion has changed over time.
Or if the gradual decline in numbers of living antivaxxers has affected the weight of opinion
I don't see any evidence of that, all the usual suspects seem to be still posting.
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All about testing the water from time to time to see whether anybodies opinion has changed over time.
Pure rubbish.

How would anybody's mind change without any information being brought to the table ? Something you tried and failed at.

Your excuse is just trying to save face. And you failed at that. Again
it's better that our natural immune system is allowed to take it's course...

Yeah, that's what the 6.5 million dead people think too. Just take some vitamins and get some exercise, and you can fight it off naturally!
Your not going to believe this but you know that woman who said in the eu parliament that Pfizer hadn't tested for transmission, apparently it was broadcast on YouTube, well not anymore it's gone into room 101.
If you keep putting things in room 101 it doesn't make it easy getting ' facts' coordinated does it.
that woman who said in the eu parliament that Pfizer hadn't tested for transmission
You mean the woman/company who said it at day 1? Why is it relevant?

No good asking me I don't run you tube, best ask them why they took it down you daft bugger.
False and untrue claims are often removed if there is a risk they will mislead people and lead to injury or avoidable disease.

Just look at page 1 to see how antivaxxer lies have led to deaths.
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