Recent content by Damsel28

  1. D


    Envisage a scene from a slapstick comedy involving wall-paper and paste and there you have it. Thanks anyway. The room is now in an acceptable state which is pretty impressive considering how it was this time yesterday.
  2. D


    Walls looking ok. Not great but ok which is good enough.
  3. D


    I did consider that solution but after watching a few YouTube demos on papering I decided it was beyond me.
  4. D


    Absolutely, quite right. I wonder how many ways she can c**k this up.
  5. D


    Thank you so much for the advice. I shall do as you suggest.
  6. D


    Several years ago I agreed that my teen daughter could decorate her room with designs, drawings, poems etc. (Well it kept her out of mischief and she's artistic.) She has grown out of this and decided to decorate. She had done the designs with permanent marker. Money is tight so she used paint...