Recent content by G4V1N

  1. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    UPDATE Ran a few checks.. Heating on constant : Turn Room Thermostat UP, Boiler fires up and pump starts and Actuator moves, Turn Room Stat down Actuator turns back. pump goes off as does boiler Still with Heating turned on I turned Hot water on constant . Turned Tank stat up Actuator...
  2. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    OK heating turned on constant, turn tank thermostat turned up until a click, Pump starts going , Boiler fires up, Actuator does NOT move.. Tank thermostat turned down until a click boiler and pump both stop shortly afterwards, actuator does NOT move again.. Gav
  3. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    I can isolate immersion from main consumer unit so I know its definitely off. The only possibility is the tank stat has been turned either by one of my children or when something has been removed that we store in the airing cupboard. ive just set it to 60°c as I've read this is the required...
  4. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    Immersion definitely OFF (no light on switch). The actuator was swapped like for like replacement Danfoss HSA3 and a Danfoss HSV3 Valve. Ive read danfoss are not the best either.. Thanks
  5. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    Thanks Dan Tank Stat never been moved in same place for 12 years. Hot water just started to get hot. As I said changed likely suspects but still hot.. Or are you saying lower tank stat to about 50°C ?
  6. G

    Hot Water Too Hot

    Hi All Keen DIY'er slight problem with my central heating. Y plan central heating system. Hot water is very very hot. CHANGED:- Tank Thermostat, Actuator Head, 3 Port Valve, Checked Programmer temporarily fitted a neighbours. What else could cause hot water to heat well over 60°C as set by...